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Come nasce una lingua (parte seconda)?

What is “talking normal”?

Individuals from the early Middle Ages found in the cemetery of Santo Stefano
Analyses by Eurac Research have revealed high genetic diversity and kinship links from remains

Vicini, anche oltre la morte
Le analisi sulle sepolture uomo-animale nella necropoli del Seminario Vescovile di Verona pongono le società pre-romane sotto la lente della ricerca

The father, son and infant found in a prehistoric tomb
New details from a bioarchaeological study of a grave in Ora

Malaria in the Medici era
The pathogen of the deadliest form of the disease has been identified in mummified soft tissue belonging to members of the Florentine dynasty.

Groundbreaking study of pre-Columbian mummies in Bolivia underway
Unique collaboration between Eurac Research and Bolivian Ministry of Culture to ensure the ongoing research agreement

Beer and blue cheese already on the menu 2,700 years ago
Human paleofeces give unique insights

The Iceman’s last meal contained a remarkably high fat content
Mummy researchers from Eurac Research have analysed the stomach contents of the glacier mummy and reveal new insights into nutrition and food preparation from 5,300 years ago.
Ötzi terrà impegnato ancora a lungo il mondo della ricerca
30 anni dal ritrovamento: bilanci e prospettive
Ötzi & Co.

A Bologna restauro aperto al pubblico di una mummia egiziana
Eurac Research ha partecipato al recupero e ha condotto le analisi antropologiche e paleopatologiche

The mummy rescue mission

Le mummie del Museo Egizio stanno bene
Eurac Research ha accertato lo stato di conservazione di tutte le mummie custodite a Torino