mountain medicine
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What happens to the human body when an avalanche buries it?
Environmental variables and the Triple H Syndrome

Mind the gap
The gender data disparity and why it needs to be reconciled

Can science explain mountaineering?
Studies on human physiology often accompany great mountaineering feats, however the results of these studies are at times, contradicted by reality.

Brains in danger?
A lack of oxygen to the brain can cause serious damage, but the threat is difficult to measure. A young researcher is testing new approaches.

First aid: drones make a difference

First aid from above
Eurac Research and Mountain Rescue South Tyrol test the use of drones for emergency operations in the Bletterbach Gorge
Soccorso estremo
Il Bergrettung Südtirol ha svolto per la prima volta un’esercitazione completamente simulata all’interno del terraXcube

'Maybe Ötzi was a mean guy?'
Conversations between disciplines: interview with mummy researcher Albert Zink and telecommunications engineer Christian Steurer.

'The most direct route is rarely feasible'
Conversations between disciplines: interview with ecologist Ulrike Tappeiner and emergency physician Hermann Brugger.
A lezione di pronto intervento in montagna

Houston, we have a (heart) problem
Our researchers tested an automated heart massager to measure its efficacy on space missions

How altitude can impact neurological conditions
Recommendations for climbing at altitude

Research Award Alto Adige 2021 al medico ricercatore Simon Rauch

'Every accident in the mountains is an emergency.'
Hermann Brugger talks about what is probably the most comprehensive standard work on rescue operations in the mountains.

Getting inside the heads of avalanche victims
Simulated avalanches enable observation of brain oxygenation under snow

New results from the climate simulator
Acclimatisation at altitude

Altitude does not protect against the disease
Covid-19 in mountain areas

From Botswana to Bolzano, meet Eurac Research’s Flying Dutchman

There is no link between Covid-19 and high-altitude pulmonary oedema
Research team publishes official statement