Centro per la salvaguardia delle aree montane - Projects - Risk Perception Review Paper
Risk Perception Review Paper
Risk perception of climate change and natural hazards in global mountain regions: A critical review
- Project duration: -
- Project status: finished
- Funding: Internal funding EURAC (Project)
- Institutes: Centro per la salvaguardia delle aree montane, Istituto per l'osservazione della Terra, Center for Climate Change and Transformation
The GLOMOS Team, in collaboration with colleagues in Eurac Research's Institute for Earth Observation and external partners, has conducted a research project analyzing available literature on risk perception in relation to climate change, and its impact on mountain regions worldwide.
The literature review was performed by an interdisciplinary team of natural, social, and humanistic scientists and seeks to provide an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of which factors influencing risk perception in mountain regions are addressed in the current literature. This research was undertaken in response to a call for papers to contribute to the Sixth Assessment Report of Working Group II of the IPCC, and results have been published in the peer-reviewed "Science of the Total Environment" journal.
Fontanella Pisa P
Conference: 3rd European Risk Perception Conference (ECRP) | Berlin | 13.6.2022 - 14.6.2022
Schneiderbauer S, Fontanella Pisa P, Delves JL, Pedoth L, Rufat S, Erschbamer M, Thaler T, Carnelli F, Granados-Chahin S (2021)
Articolo su rivista
Science of the Total Environment
Ulteriori informazioni: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146957