Eurach Research


Climate risk assessment and adaptation planning in mountain regions (CLAAP)

    Credit: Eurac Research

    Climate change is greatly impacting our everyday life, exacerbating existing risks and often resulting in cascading events. Mountain social-ecological systems are particularly susceptible to these changes in climate, resulting in increased risks and vulnerabilities for the communities that inhabit mountain areas.

    The GLOMOS team engages in research to better understand cascading and compound risks – including hazard, vulnerability and exposure - in the context of climate change. With a particular consideration of highland-lowland interactions and mountain specific risks, GLOMOS experts investigate root causes for unsustainable land management in mountain social-ecological systems and contribute to transformative climate change adaptation.

    • Analysis of cascading and compound mountain risks.
    • Investigation of root causes for vulnerability in mountain social-ecological systems.
    • Design of transformative adaptation and resilience pathways for mountain regions, with particular focus on the integration of Nature based Solutions (NbS) and Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA).
    • Understanding migration and mobility patterns in highland-lowland contexts.

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