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Istitu​to di studi federali comparati​​​​​​ - News & Events - Winter School on Federalism and Governance 2022 – Applications now open!


Winter School on Federalism and Governance 2022 – Applications now open!

    Our Winter School is an international postgraduate program on federalism, regionalism and multi-level governance. Through an interdisciplinary and comparative approach, it explores how federalism can contribute to multi-level, integrated and pluralistic decision-making.

    The upcoming Winter School will focus on the topic of “Federalism and/in Emergency” and will take place from 30 January to 12 February 2022 as an online edition.

    During the two-week online edition, participants will analyze the ways in which multilevel systems act in and respond to emergencies. They will, inter alia, explore existing constitutional provisions on emergencies or exceptional situations and consider the constitutional resilience of federal or regional systems. In addition, participants will also examine the roles that national and subnational executive leaders, parliaments, and courts play during crises and the formal and informal intergovernmental cooperation tools that may be applied to these scenarios. The program will provide insight into asymmetric territorial responses to emergencies in multilevel systems, as well as the impact of emergencies on subnational autonomies.

    The 2022 Winter School will examine these and other topics by combining theoretical expertise and relevant case studies. The program is a unique opportunity for young academics, postgraduate students, civil servants and practitioners to receive enhanced training on the theoretical and practical aspects of federalism.

    The deadline for applications is 17 October 2021. For more information, please visit our website

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