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Istituto per la medicina d'emergenza in montagna - News & Events - Review article on altitude illnesses in Nature Reviews Disease Primers

24 giugno 24

Review article on altitude illnesses in Nature Reviews Disease Primers

    Our researcher Hannes Gatterer was invited by the prestigious journal Nature Reviews Disease Primers to author an article on altitude illnesses.

    👉 Nature Portfolio's "primers" are a valuable source of information for medical personnel around the world as they are used to keep up to date and learn about the scientific state of the art on a given topic.

    ⛰️ ⏫ Millions of people visit high-altitude regions annually and more than 80 million live permanently above 2,500 m. The paper summarizes the latest scientific knowledge on diseases caused by acute exposure to high altitude, including acute mountain sickness (AMS), high-altitude cerebral oedema (HACE) and high-altitude pulmonary oedema (HAPE). Chronic mountain sickness (CMS), on the other hand, can affect high-altitude resident populations worldwide.

    🔗 The paper can be accessed at this link (paywall):

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