Eurach Research
29 luglio 22

EUSALP Energy Award 2022

The EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP) awards best practices that support the energy transition in the Alps

    The EUSALP Energy Award recognizes best practices that contribute to the implementation of the energy transition in the Alpine area through the roll-out of renewable energy and energy efficiency measures.

    Topic: In 2022, the award focuses on the topic of activation and participation of citizens in the energy transition in the Alps. The jury looks for best practices in the following fields of action:

    1. Communication and awareness-raising towards citizens;
    2. Participatory approaches to roll out energy efficiency and renewable energies on the local, regional, national and transnational level;
    3. Innovative financing models to support the energy transition and citizens’ involvement.

    Target candidates citizens, associations, municipalities, start-ups, established companies, research institutions and NGOs.

    Deadline: Candidates can apply until the 16th of September, the selection and presentation are going to be held online

    Information and contacts: Further information on the application procedure can be found on the EUSALP website.

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