EU ITA-AUT SUSMAT: Promuovere le imprese locali attraverso il recupero degli edifici montani con tecnologie sostenibili

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  • Project duration: -
  • Project status: ongoing
  • Funding:
    Italy-Austria 2021-2027 (EUTC / EU funding / Project)
  • Institute: Istituto per le energie rinnovabili

The SUSMAT project promotes sustainable development in the construction and renovation sector, focusing on sustainable building materials and energyefficient renovation solutions. It builds on experiences from previous EU initiatives such as SHELTER and Low Tech and contributes to key strategies such as the Renovation Wave and the European Green Deal.

In the project, model retrofit concepts are developed and implemented using three vacant historic buildings owned by the respective municipalities as examples: the Gretlhäusl in Filzmoos, the Mesnerhaus in Anras and the Mesnerstadele in Mölten. These buildings are being renovated sustainably, using regional materials and involving local businesses.

The main objectives include the promotion of the circular economy, training and awareness-raising in the construction sector and the strengthening of crossborder and interregional cooperation.

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