Eurach Research


EU HEU SYMBIOSYST - Creazione di una simbiosi tra applicazioni fotovoltaiche e agricultura con benefici comuni


    One of the major goals at different governmental levels, including the European level, is the decarbonization of the energy sector. The energy shift is largely believed to be driven by photovoltaics (PV), as one of the fundamental technologies. The concept of Agrivoltaics is emerging in this context as an interdisciplinary partnership aimed at developing photovoltaic (PV) solutions for agriculture. Building Integrated PV (BIPV) systems and products for roofs and facades have been developed over a number of decades. SYMBIOSYST will innovate by tailoring them to the unique requirements of diverse crops in varied climates and topographies. SYMBIOSYST will also define solutions that are aesthetically beautiful, scalable, and harmoniously integrated with the agricultural land while retaining farming's core objective.
    The SYMBIOSYST interdisciplinary partnership is made up of partners from across the value chain with decades of experience in integrated PV applications, precision agriculture, PV modules, and systems.

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