Eurach Research


Neue Ansätze auf der Grundlage des Nexus Wasser-Energie-Nahrung-Umwelt für die agroforstliche Bewirtschaftung in der nordafrikanischen Großregion

    • Project duration: -
    • Project status: ongoing
    • Funding:
      Excellent Science (Horizon Europe / EU funding / Project)
    • Institute: Center for Sensing Solutions

    TRANS-SAHARA wird einen innovativen Ansatz für die Nutzung von Agroforstsystemen zur Unterstützung afrikanischer Gemeinschaften bei der Bekämpfung des Klimawandels entwickeln.  Dieser innovative Ansatz basiert auf dem gut etablierten Ansatz des Wasser-Energie-Nahrungsmittel-Ökosystem-Nexus (WEFE), der den Schwerpunkt auf die Gewährleistung der Wassersicherheit bei der Planung, Installation und Verwaltung von Agroforstsystemen legt.  Die Umsetzung dieses konzeptionellen agroforstlichen Managementansatzes in die Praxis wird durch eine Reihe von technischen und nichttechnischen Innovationen unterstützt. Dazu gehören modernste Messmethoden und -instrumente zur genauen Bewertung der ökologischen und sozioökonomischen Auswirkungen, skalierbare naturbasierte Interventionsstrategien zur Erleichterung der nachhaltigen Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen und neuartige Geschäftsmodelle zur Sicherung der langfristigen Existenzgrundlage lokaler Gemeinschaften, die agroforstwirtschaftliche Praktiken anwenden.  Die Wirksamkeit des neuartigen Ansatzes und der unterstützenden Innovationen wird durch eine Reihe groß angelegter Pilotprojekte an wichtigen Standorten in ganz Afrika, darunter Tunesien, Ghana und Äthiopien, eingehend getestet und validiert. Neuartige Methoden zur Einbindung der Gemeinden werden eingesetzt, um die Mitgestaltung der Demonstrationsprojekte zu unterstützen und eine breite Akzeptanz der Innovation in den lokalen Gemeinden zu gewährleisten.  Die erwarteten Ergebnisse werden dazu beitragen, die Datenlücken in der Agroforstwirtschaft in Afrika zu schließen, die Ernteerträge zu steigern, das Jahreseinkommen der Landwirte zu verdoppeln und neue Kohlenstoffsenken in zuvor degradierten Gebieten zu schaffen. Ein ehrgeiziger Plan für die Zeit nach dem Projekt, der in Zusammenarbeit mit politischen Entscheidungsträgern der EU und Afrikas sowie mit Gruppen der Zivilgesellschaft durchgeführt wird, sieht die sofortige und weitreichende Einführung der entstandenen Innovationen in den Mitgliedsländern der Afrikanischen Union (AU) und darüber hinaus bis 2030 vor.  Diejenigen, die die Innovationen übernehmen, werden die Widerstandsfähigkeit ihrer Gemeinschaften gegenüber den Bedrohungen durch den Klimanotstand erheblich verbessern und eine äußerst nachhaltige sozioökonomische Entwicklung in ihrer Region fördern. 

    Objectives and WPs 

    TRANS-SAHARA will address the challenges outlined above by using water security as an entry point to focus on agro-silvo-pastoral systems in the GNAR with the overarching aim to (i) increase the water content in regional water cycles to facilitate regeneration of degraded ecosystems, followed by (ii) the development of bespoke, data-driven, scalable and economically viable agroforestry interventions in three living labs (Tunisia, Ghana, Ethiopia) to showcase agroforestry innovations and finally (iii) facilitating an innovation ecosystem at regional, national and global scales by embedding its approach from the outset in a participatory multistakeholder socio-economic process to support a systemic socio-technical transition. 

    The objective of TRANS-SAHARA are: 


    Capture, monitor and model qualitative and quantitative hydrological, geoscience, agricultural, biodiversity and socio-economic data through a novel inter- and trans-disciplinary approach in order to better understand the links between agroforestry management and climate change resilience, biodiversity preservation and sustainable agriculture 


    Develop a WEFE-Nexus based Agroforestry Intervention Design Tool for implementing scalable agroforestry management systems, taking into account local specificities within the three Living Labs across the GNAR (Tunisia, Ghana, Ethiopia), aimed at increasing water availability and ensuring a balance between agricultural productivity, socio-economic viability and sustainability 


    Develop capacities for better understanding and evaluating the socio-economic and environmental performance of agroforestry by equipping local stakeholders/authorities with capabilities to collect and report agroforestry data and equipping them with entrepreneurial capabilities 


    Strengthen the agroforestry innovation ecosystem to enhance user acceptance and facilitate implementation by developing non-technical innovations related to (i) new business models for economically sustainable use of agroforestry and build-up of agroforestry value-chains, (ii) higher replicability potential across the AU 


    Demonstrate the innovations/solutions from SO.1-SO.4 as part of three living labs in Tunisia (Sejnane), Ghana (Tamale) and Ethiopia (Aribayitu Enisesa), successfully validating the proposed technical and non-technical innovations and achieving use-case specific KPIs defined in SO.1 

    Activities description 

    The contribution of EURAC through CSS in this project will help to reduce the data gap by developing novel data collection and modelling strategies. In terms of data collection, CSS will be in charge of the data management system capable to integrate remote and in-situ sensing methods in order to combine various types of data. The in-situ sensor technology complementing remote sensing will be developed using "Made in Africa" sensors, in collaboration with WASCAL, using components and machine tools that are easily obtainable in the region of interest and can be easily be repaired if necessary, supported by capacity building. 

    CSS will be mainly active in WP3, Strategies for data identification, collection & sensing and database development, and will coordinate WP4, Development of TRANS-SAHARA Models and the Agroforestry Intervention Design Tool 

    WP3.3  Task Leader 

    Development of “Made in Africa” node sensors and training 

    The technical specification of the sensors from T3.2 will be translated in first prototypes of “Made in Africa” sensors. Lab tests will be conducted, followed by upscaling into TRL 5 before deployment of the sensors as part of the Living Labs. Importantly, the sensor prototypes will have to be produced in the required quantity to cover all Living Labs. The manufacturing and system setup will take place in Africa, led by WASCAL, with the assistance of EURAC. Individuals in the Living Labs will be trained on the use and maintenance of the sensors in order to address any issues or failures. Along with a technical report, a series of webinars will be created and stored in a repository for easy access, providing information on the main hardware components and how to conduct necessary tests to identify potential points of failure. 


    Data collection, categorization and integration into agroforestry systemic database 

    Task 3.4.1:   Development of system solution for collecting data 

    WP3.5 Data Management System Design and Implementation (EURAC leader) 

    WP3.6 Validation and assessment 

    EURAC is WP leader of WP4, Development of TRANS-SAHARA Models and the Agroforestry Intervention Design Tool 

    WP4 Objectives are: 

    To develop comprehensive digital models for combining agroforestry with current land use systems through optimized land use/land cover (LULC) allocations to achieve best compromises for sustainable agriculture and biodiversity conservation as well as climate change mitigation and adaptation potential. 

    To develop an Agroforestry Intervention Design Tool as a decision support system for translating the learnings from the models into specific agroforestry interventions 

    WP4 will be mainly concentrated in year 1, and year 2, namely 2025 and 2026 

    The full WP will at first explore existing agroforestry and related land use models (WP4.1), then will build Modelling of agroforestry WEFE Nexus (WP4.2) and develop new models for agroforestry system scenarios.  

    The WP will then Develop an Agroforestry Intervention Design Tool , a novel Visual Analytic tool for assisting agroforestry intervention decision-making that will translate the learnings from the models developed in T4.2 and T4.3 into a user friendly BI based visual analytics tool to aid the decision-making. 

    Expected results 

    Made in Africa Sensors 

    Data Management system 

    Visual Analytic Tools for agro-forestry management 

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