Eurach Research


Auswirkungen des Luftdrucks auf sich nach oben verschiebende alpine Ökosysteme

    • Project duration: -
    • Project status: ongoing
    • Funding:
      Provincial Joint Programme – IT-FWF (Province BZ funding / Project)
    • Institute: Institut für Alpine Umwelt

    Climate change is altering the elevation range limits of many organisms, often driving upward range shifts. In this context, reduced air pressure poses a potentially novel environmental problem for upwards migrating organisms to solve if they are to persist at high elevation as climate change continues. The goal of the project is threefold: 1) to understand how upwards migrating soil microorganisms and plant species react to lower air pressure; 2) to assess how upwards migrating soil microorganisms and plants perform with resident plants and soil microorganisms that have persisted in place under lower pressure; 3) to evaluate the effect of lower air pressure on the ecosystem water balance. The project integrates a unique extreme environment simulator (terraXcube) to simulate different alpine climate conditions, pot and mesocosm (lysimeter) experiments to disentangle the effects, and field observations from the LTSER site in Matsch/Mazia to validate the reliability of the obtained results.

    Novel effects of reduced air pressure on alpine plants along climate change induced upwards migration
    Lembo S, Niedrist G, Illmer P, Präg N, Meul A, Dainese M (2023)

    Conference: GfÖ Annual Meeting 2023 - 52nd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland | Leipzig | 11.9.2023 - 16.9.2023

    Novel effects of air pressure conditions for alpine plants undergoing climate-induced range shifts
    Lembo S (2022)

    Conference: International Mountain Conference IMC#22 | Innsbruck | 11.9.2022 - 15.9.2022

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