Eurach Research


Ilaria Signori

Ilaria Signori


Ilaria Signori holds a MA in European and International Studies from the University of Trento, and a BA in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Trieste. Her research interests cover cross-border and interregional cooperation, minority rights, gender and queer studies. She's currently undertaking a traineeship at the Institute for Minority Rights at Eurac Research. In her free time she can be found hiking or climbing.

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Migranti e rifugiati al confronto: Quanto conta il lavoro per gli ucraini in Italia?

Migranti e rifugiati al confronto: Quanto conta il lavoro per gli ucraini in Italia?

Ilaria SignoriIlaria Signori
I rifugiati ucraini in Italia: dove sono e quanto conta la comunità ucraina preesistente

I rifugiati ucraini in Italia: dove sono e quanto conta la comunità ucraina preesistente

Indigenous Mobility, Urbanization and Participation in Latin America

Indigenous Mobility, Urbanization and Participation in Latin America

Ilaria SignoriIlaria Signori

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