Eurach Research

How are we doing in preserving the rich linguistic data produced in South Tyrol?

How are we doing in preserving the rich linguistic data produced in South Tyrol?
From Eurac Research to CLARIN CenterCredit: Eurac Research

A rigorous international certificate endorses Eurac Research’s Institute for Applied Linguistics.

Since its launch in 1993, Eurac Research’s Institute for Applied Linguistics (IAL) has actively contributed to language research, especially with regard to the multilingualism naturally present in South Tyrol. We believe that our language data repository, the Eurac Research Clarin Center ERCC, established in 2018, is a much-needed resource for researchers, policymakers, and language enthusiasts, offering access to language-related data, expertise in working with linguistic data and, more generally, in processes of sustainable research.

And now, it is our great pleasure to announce that Eurac Research’s Institute for Applied Linguistics has earned the prestigious CoreTrustSeal certification for its language data repository. With this award, Eurac Research belongs to a very select group. Only 143 institutions worldwide hold this certification, which applies to repositories of all types and not only to those with linguistic data, 89 of them in Europe and only three institutions in the whole of Italy: the CNR-ILC in Pisa, the Dataverse repository of the University of Milan and now Eurac Research in Bolzano. The CoreTrustSeal underscores the firm commitment of the Institute for Applied Linguistics to uphold the highest standards in storing, preserving, and distributing language-related data, with a specific focus on the rich linguistic landscape of South Tyrol. Achieving CoreTrustSeal certification is impressive, but ultimately a consequence of continuously and consistently upholding the principles of Open Science, Open Access and rigorous research data management.

The CoreTrustSeal is a globally recognized quality mark awarded to data repositories that demonstrate adherence to rigorous international standards for trustworthiness and sustainability. It signifies that the repository’s infrastructure, policies, and procedures ensure secure data storage and guarantee accessibility and reusability for researchers and innovators. In essence, this award is a powerful endorsement of the Institute’s dedication to safeguarding and distributing data produced within the South Tyrolean linguistic landscape.

You might wonder, “How does that relate to me reading this blog post?”.

Well, if you are a person working with language data, like we do, such as a researcher or a tech-innovator, it signifies that the repository’s practices are not just good but represent best practices at an international level. This achievement benefits the IAL itself and significantly strengthens the local language research and innovation community by providing a trusted and reliable data source. So, feel free to look at the ERCC and get in touch if you see something you like.

If you don’t work with language data but, like us, you care about the rich language culture of South Tyrol, then rest assured that we at the Institute for Applied Linguistics are putting our heart and soul into preserving and promoting it, and now we have been officially certified as doing a good job!

Egon Stemle

Egon Stemle

Egon Stemle is a cognitive scientist with a keen interest in computational linguistics and artificial intelligence, and a nag for the question of why humans handle incomplete and inconsistent concepts just fine, while computational processes often fail.


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Stemle, E. How are we doing in preserving the rich linguistic data produced in South Tyrol?
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