ClimAte JuStiCe and INtersectionality: from ADaptation to Transformation
- Project duration: -
- Project status: finished
- Funding: Internal funding EURAC (Project)
- Institutes: Center for Climate Change and Transformation, Institute for Minority Rights, Center for Autonomy Experience, Center for Advanced Studies, Center for Global Mountain Safeguard Research, Institute for Regional Development, Institute for Renewable Energy
The project “ClimAte JuStiCe and INtersectionality: from ADaptation to Transformation (ASCEND)” explores climate justice approaches and dynamics through an intersectional lens. Climate justice generally refers to both a concept, and a movement, which are directed at the different aspects of climate change and its adverse impacts on social, economic, health, and other levels of underprivileged sectors of the society. Hence, ASCEND integrates a climate justice approach with the concepts or lenses of vulnerability, climate resilience and social-ecological transformation. Also, ASCEND aims to unveil intersectional perspectives (gender, minorities, youth and migrants) in climate change adaptation planning; and raise awareness to the intersectional dimensions of climate justice.
Budabin A (2024)
Conference: SISP 2024| Società Italiana di Scienza Politica | Trieste : 12.9.2024 - 14.9.2024
Rosignoli F, Felipe Pérez B, Tomaselli A (2024)
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