Eurach Research

Adaptation ST

Climate Change Adaptation Strategy South Tyrol

    The new EU Adaptation Strategy of 2021 and the EU Climate Change Act emphasise the need for faster and more systematic adaptation to climate change at all levels (EU, national, regional, local) with the aim of achieving a climate-resilient society in the long term. At the national level, Italy has an adaptation plan, and the Autonomous Province of South Tyrol would like to devote more attention to the topic of climate change adaptation strategy and, in addition to work on an adaptation strategy, also develop concrete sector-specific and overarching adaptation measures. The development of this adaptation strategy is coordinated and moderated by Eurac Research but involves, as a joint process, actors from the provincial administration and research as well as actors from civil society. The project aims to: 1) understand and identify climate risks and 2) identify adaptation needs and develop cross-sectoral adaptation measures. The project is divided into 4 phases:

    a) Exploratory work to define timeline, data, action needs and approach;

    b) Climate risk analysis of climate impacts and risks for natural systems and societal action fields.

    c) Identification of adaptation needs and measures;

    d) Communication and participation of various stakeholders from the addressed fields of action as well as from civil society.

    The project is financed by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano and has a duration of 18 months (January 2023-Dicember 2024).

    Project funded by

    Rischi climatici e adattamento - Verso un Alto Adige resiliente al clima
    Zebisch M, Pedoth L, Pörnbacher M, Renner K, Fritsch U, Alberton M, Bertoldi G, Bisignano J, Corradini P, Crespi A, Crippa C, Ducati V, Eisendle F, Hilpold A, Hoffmann C, Horvath C, Kircher V, Lun G, Maino F, Misconel S, Obojes N, Omizzolo A, Pellegrini C, Perkmann U, Prina MG, Roveri G, Sparber W, Strapazzon G, Thaler F (2025)
    Bolzano: Eurac Research

    Klimarisiken und Anpassung - Wege zu einem klimaresilienten Südtirol
    Zebisch M, Pedoth L, Pörnbacher M, Renner K, Fritsch U, Alberton M, Bertoldi G, Bisignano J, Corradini P, Crespi A, Crippa C, Ducati V, Eisendle F, Hilpold A, Hoffmann C, Horvath C, Kircher V, Lun G, Maino F, Misconel S, Obojes N, Omizzolo A, Pellegrini C, Perkmann U, Prina MG, Roveri G, Sparber W, Strapazzon G, Thaler F (2025)
    Bozen: Eurac Research

    Anticipatory Risk Adaptation Storylines
    Pedoth L, Maino F, Scolozzi R, Pörnbacher M, Carnelli F, Pellegrini C (2024)

    Conference: INQUIMUS 2024 | Bolzano | 4.12.2024 - 6.12.2024

    Climate change and human health in Alpine environments: an interdisciplinary impact chain approach understanding today's risks to address tomorrow's challenges
    Roveri G, Crespi A, Eisendle F, Rauch ‍‍S, Corradini Ph, Steger S, Zebisch M, Strapazzon G (2024)
    Journal article
    BMJ Global Health

    More information:

    Strategien zur Klimawandelanpassung in Südtirol, Herangehensweisen aus wasserwirtschaftlicher Sicht
    Bertoldi G (2023)

    Conference: REVITAL Integrative Naturraumplanung GmbH | Nußdorf-Debant | 8.11.2023 - 8.11.2023

    Impacts of climate change on snow and water availability in the south Alpine region
    Bertoldi G (2023)

    Conference: 2nd Dolomite conference on the global governance of climate change | Bolzano | 8.10.2023 - 8.10.2023

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