Institute for Public Management - Projects - empowerment4pandemias
Empowerment for Pandemias – Learning from CoVid19
- Project duration: -
- Project status: ongoing
- Website:
- Institute: Institute for Public Management
The project empowerment4pandemias is an international project, funded by the European Commission / the Erasmus+ EU programme for education, training, youth and sport. The consortium consists of research partners from five European countries, UMIT (Austria) being the lead partner. The project aims to equip healthcare professionals and decision-makers with knowledge and competencies on individual and organizational resilience to successfully cope with pandemics in the future.
Now, the first project result has been achieved – a Pandemic resilience competence framework which is the foundation for all following projects tasks, especially the blended learning course for health care professionals. The framework is mainly based on British BSI standards (BS65000), an article by Herberg, M., & Torgersen, G.-E. (2021; Resilience Competence Face Framework for the Unforeseen: Relations, Emotions and Cognition. A Qualitative Study. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1-24. as well as numerous interviews with health care professionals from the five project countries.