Center for Global Mountain Safeguard Research - News & Events - Call for abstracts: International Mountain Conference 2022
Call for abstracts: International Mountain Conference 2022
UNU-EHS’s GLOMOS team will take active part during the International Mountain Conference 2022 (IMC2022), which will take place in Innsbruck, Austria on 11-15 September 2022.
The conference is currently open for abstract submissions, and GLOMOS is accepting contributions for their co-organized sessions:
ID02: Adaptation strategies and pathways for resilience in mountain regions
ID13: Common land & resources in global mountains: challenges in coexistence
ID28: Highland-lowland systems in water management and resilient societies
ID77: UNESCO MAB World Network of Mountain Biosphere Reserves
The deadline for submitting the abstracts is February, 14th 2022 through the conference submission system
The conference’s key goals are to synthesize and enhance our understanding of mountain systems, in particular their response and resilience to global change. For this purpose, GLOMOS co-head Stefan Schneiderbauer has been nominated member of its scientific committee contributing to the topic "Risk and Resilience".
The main aim of this Committee is to produce scientifically sound messages to effectively communicate “mountain issues and strengths” to diverse audiences and mobilise attention and resources.