Center for Global Mountain Safeguard Research - News & Events - GLOMOS presents at ECRP 23 in Bucharest
GLOMOS presents at ECRP 23 in Bucharest
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Between 28-30 June 2023, Stefan Schneiderbauer and Paola Fontanella Pisa have been invited to participate to the Fourth European Conference on Risk Perception Behaviour, Management and Response (ECRP 23) hosted in Bucharest, Romania, by the Risk-SoS (social science) research network. During the conference, researchers have presented their findings and adopted methods related to investigating risk perceptions, and GLOMOS was invited to present their research on “participatory methods for local knowledge embeddedness in disaster risk reduction in Tadami UNESCO Biosphere Reserve” related to the Denshou-Adapt project. The conference also represented an opportunity to deepen the knowledge on earthquake risks in Bucharest, through a guided visit offered by local researchers from Bucharest University.