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Center for Global Mountain Safeguard Research - News & Events - GLOMOS supports the UNESCO World Network of Mountain Biosphere Reserves

10 October 24

GLOMOS supports the UNESCO World Network of Mountain Biosphere Reserves

The 2nd meeting of the World Network of Mountain Biosphere Reserves (WNMBR) took place from 24-27 September in the Ordino Biosphere Reserve, Andorra.

  • English

The WNMBR was launched in 2021 – the International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development – by the UNESCO MAB Programme, along with the Mountain Research Initiative (MRI). It aims to provide constant support to mountain biosphere reserves through research, strategic partnerships and collaborations as well as North-South and South-South exchanges of experience.

Since 2021, GLOMOS is supporting the network member of the Steering Committee to this Network and supports it with respect to tasks and challenges related to scientific questions and academic connections.

Inauguració II Trobada de la Xarxa de reserves de la biosfera de muntanya, 2024Credit: Flickr | Comú d'Ordino | All rights reserved

The meeting in Andorra was kindly hosted by the Ordino Town Council and the Ordino UNESCO Biosphere. This 2nd workshop of the WNMBR had as objective to advance the network’s collective goals, particularly in enhancing communication among members, fostering internal and external collaboration, and reinforcing leadership. Additional points on the agenda were the progress of key projects dealing for example with Glacier Monitoring and Conservation or the exchange of biosphere staff and interns.

Market Place - II Trobada reserves de la biosfera de muntanya, 2024Credit: Flickr | Comú d'Ordino | All rights reserved

During the workshop a ‘regional market place’ was organised where all biosphere reserves were invited to present their experience in local product branding and other featured initiatives by showing their products or posters.

Sortida a Sorteny - II Trobada reserves de biosfera de muntanya, 2024Credit: Flickr | Comú d'Ordino | All rights reserved

One highlight of the event was an excursion to the Sorteny Natural Park where the participants could learn about the ongoing biodiversity research activities in the area, as well as the habitat and wildlife monitoring, the public use management, and the restoration of dry stone infrastructures.

The next WNMBR meeting will take place in 2025 in Hangzhou China. This upcoming workshop will be held back2back with the 5th World Congress of Biosphere Reserves, a milestone event for developing the action plan for the UNESCO’s global network of 759 biosphere reserves in 136 countries for the next decade and beyond. The discussions during the meeting in Andorra resulted in the agreement to ensure that the WNMBR will have a great visibility in this world congress.

Sortida a Sorteny - II Trobada reserves de biosfera de muntanya, 2024Credit: Flickr | Comú d'Ordino | All rights reserved

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