Center for Global Mountain Safeguard Research - News & Events - Safeguarding Mountains at the REMTECH Conference
Safeguarding Mountains at the REMTECH Conference
GLOMOS and EO colleagues have jointly presented their efforts towards safeguarding mountain social-ecological systems
On 21st September 2021, GLOMOS' Paola Fontanella Pisa, Ingrid Wong, and Shivani Rai, and Earth Observation's Massimiliano Pittore held a presentation on “Safeguarding Mountains: Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation in Global Mountainous Social-Ecological Systems” as part of the joint session on “Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in Mountain Regions: an international overview” at Climetech Expo 2021.
The presentation was structured in three main parts:
- Introduction on mountain social-ecological systems and the role of mountain safeguarding efforts (Paola Fontanella Pisa)
- Multi-hazard Assessment and Risk Mapping in Burundi (Massimiliano Pittore)
- Remote Environmental Emergency Response to the Volcanic Eruption in Saint Vincent (Ingrid Wong, Shivani Rai)