Epigenetics of cellular senescence in aging

  • Deutsch
  • English
  • Italiano
  • Project duration: -
  • Project status: ongoing
  • Funding:
    Italy-Austria 2021-2027 (EUTC / EU funding / Project)
  • Institute: Institute for Biomedicine

Due to the increasing aging of the population, the investigation and prevention of age-related diseases is of central importance to health care and are part of the core research topics of the Institute for Biomedicine. As a specific example, the risk of developing cancer increases significantly with age. Cellular aging processes, known as cellular senescence, play a causal role in this process. Senescence also affects the cells of the immune system and leads to a decrease in immune system function and, by weakening cancer defenses, to an increased risk of cancer in old age.

The aim of the SENECA project is to decipher the cellular processes of aging and to search for new therapeutic agents against cancer. The strengths of the SENECA network lie in the complementary and synergistic expertise of the partners involved, who are already working together successfully in joint collaborative projects. By integrating multidisciplinary approaches, combined with targeted training measures for young scientists and comprehensive dissemination strategies, SENECA aims to make a visible and sustainable contribution to strengthening the research and innovation competence of cross-border regions in the prevention and treatment of age-related diseases.

The network was initially established for the EPIC Interreg project and is being continued for the SENECA project. The network's broad expertise is represented by

  • Prof. Claudio Brancolini, lead partner at the University of Udine, with a long-term record on cancer research: his laboratory is specialized on cancer cell models and designs experiments involving next generation sequencing techniques for gene activity and spatial arrangement of DNA in the cell nucleus.
  • Prof. Fulvia Felluga from the University of Trieste, who is specialized in organic chemistry. During our collaboration within the EPIC project, the lab in Trieste provided computationally enhanced compounds and synthesized them for testing in the partner labs. This role will be maintained for the SENECA project, where our goal is to improve compounds that counteract cellular senescence.
  • Prof. Fritz Aberger from the University of Salzburg being expert in oncogenic signaling and tumor-immune system interactions, with emphasis on specific tumor-related pathways. Both labs perform complementary research and thus provide double added value to SENECA's research aims.
  • Dr. Christian X. Weichenberger from Eurac Research, who provides expertise in computational and statistical analysis of large datasets. The bioinformaticians at Eurac are dedicated data miners and have a record on analyzing sequencing data from various sources and putting them in context utilizing a variety of bleeding edge computational methods and biological databases.

The SENECA team is looking forward to a fruitful collaboration resulting in exciting research, novel insights, scientific publications, sharing ideas on conferences and performing public relations communication, all based on a group of highly motivated researchers, both junior and senior.


This project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the Interreg V-A Italia-Österreich 2021-2027



Data management plan

An important aspect in performing research is the reproducibility of results, which is guaranteed if associated data generated by research projects can be found, accessed, are interoperable, and reusable (the so-called FAIR principle). A data management plan describes how this is taken care of for a specific project; please find ours here for download.

Welcome Andrea Minio

Today is the first day of SENECA's full-time bioinformatician, Dr. Andrea Minio. He earned his PhD at the University of Verona in Applied Biotechnologies and then moved as a post-doc to Univ. of California, Davis to work on plant and microbiome genomics projects for seven years. He has recently returned from the USA - welcome back home to Italy, Andrea!

Kickoff meeting

Today, administrative and scientific staff have met at Eurac in Bolzano for a first discussion. We have set dates for reporting and the next meetings and brainstormed on possible experiments. We are thinking of characterizing the expression and epigenetic landscape of senescent cells after different types of chemotherapies. Another idea is to investigate cancer-like senescent cells and their interaction with young, aged, and rejuvenated T-cells. Furthermore, we want to chemically link compounds proven to attack senescent cells to enhance their potency. We are curious what we can report in our next meeting in late 2024 in Udine.

We are hiring

We are currently seeking for a bioinformatician to join the project. More information is given here, where you can also apply (deadline is Monday, March 4th 2024).

SENECA blog launched

We are happy to announce our first entry in this blog, which is also the confirmation that we have been awarded with an Interreg IT-AT 2021-2027 grant for the project SENECA. Four labs in the cities of Udine, Trieste, Salzburg and Bolzano are going to collaborate in the next two years on cellular ageing, its effects on the immune system with an eye on cancer as outcome that should be avoided by properly designed leads.

Project Partners