Institute for Earth Observation - Mountain cryosphere - News & Events - Criosar project successfully concluded
Criosar project successfully concluded
During the final meeting of the CRIOSAR project, which took place on the 10th of July, the activities carried out in the last quarter of the project were presented, as well as the main results and the related dissemination activities.
Here the main results of the project:
- Development of a new model to calculate the extinction coefficient of the 2-way SAR signal at different frequencies in snowpacks characterized by different conditions stratification and free water content.
- Implementation of SAR offset tracking techniques SAR based on very high-resolution data to monitor surface deformations on rock glaciers at seasonal and interannual time scales.
- Qualitative correlation between rock glacier displacement generated by satellite data and temperature and precipitation data from automatic ground stations.
- Estimation of river discharge starting from Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) by means of a model based on a machine learning approach in Val Senales and comparison with SWE data obtained from SAR interferometry.