Institute for Earth Observation - Biosphere and hydrosphere - News & Events - New paper about soil moisture estimation techniques based on Sentinel-1 observations
New paper about soil moisture estimation techniques based on Sentinel-1 observations
Soil moisture (SM) is a key variable in agriculture and its monitoring is essential. SM determines the amount of water available to plants, having a direct impact on the development of crops, on the forecasting of crop yields and on the surveillance of food security. In this new paper "Evaluation of soil moisture estimation techniques based on Sentinel-1 observations over wheat fields", our researchers studied the evaluation of three change detection methodologies for SM estimation over wheat at the agricultural field scale based on Sentinel-1 time series: Short Term Change Detection (STCD), TU Wien Change Detection (TUWCD) and Multitemporal Bayesian Change Detection (MTBCD).
The paper is available here