Eurach Research


Alpine Drought Observatory


    According to the Alpine Convention, water scarcity and related conflicts are becoming a worrying topic in Alpine regions. Moreover, lowland regions far beyond the Alps suffer from missing water from the Alps. Thus, countries are invited to act on this topic with common strategies. Building on findings from previously funded projects (e.g. AlpWaterScarce), our aim is to set up an Alpine Drought Observatory (ADO) and to derive recommendations for improved risk preparedness and efficiency of drought management, specifically, for the Alpine territory. The ADO itself will be a transnational Alpine-wide operational system with a web-interface (e.g. WebGIS, periodic reports) to access data and specific impact-oriented indices for monitoring droughts and their impacts. It will provide optimized observations and forecasts for mountainous areas, which could be integrated in existing EU-level monitoring systems (e.g. European Drought Observatory). Monitoring will be based on a fusion of existing approaches (e.g. meteorological drought indices, hydrological drought indices), and newly available information (e.g. remote sensing of snow and soil moisture), to create new combined drought indices and a common drought classification. The ADO will be applied in six case studies in all alpine countries with local partners. The case studies represent different drought issues such as agricultural drought, hydrological drought or drought impact on ecosystems. Out of the case studies, guidelines for an improved drought risk management will be developed. Findings will be upscaled to recommendations for drought governance policies for the Alps. Main beneficiaries of project findings are institutions with decision-making capacities in the field of water management, energy production, and agriculture. Many of them are directly involved in the project as partners, observers, or stakeholders.

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    ADO platform: the Alpine Water Drought Observatory
    Bertoldi G (2024)

    Conference: "WHO NEEDS WATER?" Planet Week of G7| Climate, Energy, and Environment | Torino : 24.4.2024 - 24.4.2024

    Together in the Cloud: Earth observation expert Peter Zellner on open science
    Baumgartner B, Hechensteiner S, Zellner PJ (2023)

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    GIS success stories - The Alpine Drought Observatory
    Zellner PJ, Balogun RO, Mayer K, Iacopino T, Cattani L, Alasawedah M, Claus M, Ventura B, Vianello A, Bertoldi G, Greifeneder F, Jacob A (2023)
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    (Innovation in Disaster Prevention)
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    The Alpine Drought Observatory: how to organize and share data in a cross-national mountain region following the fair data principles
    Zellner PJ, Balogun R, Iacopino T, Cattani L, Alasawedah M, Claus M, Ventura B, Vianello A, Bertoldi G, Jacob A (2023)

    Conference: EuroGeo Workshop 2023 | Bolzano | 2.10.2023 - 4.10.2023

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    The Alpine Drought Observatory: An Alpine wide Operational Drought Monitoring Platform
    Zellner PJ, Cattani L, Bertoldi G, Greifeneder F, Alasawedah MH, Iacopino T, Vianello A, Balogun R, Claus M, Ventura B, Mayer K, Vlahovic Z, Jacob A (2023)

    Conference: VAO Symposium | Grainau | 21.3.2023 - 23.3.2023

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    SMODEX – a Python package for understanding the evolution of soil moisture anomalies
    Balogun RO, Zellner PJ, Greifeneder F (2023)

    Conference: SFSCon| South Tyrol Free Software Conference 2023 | Bolzano : 10.11.2023 - 11.11.2023

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    openEO use cases at Eurac, the Alpine Drought Observatory and SAR2CUBE
    Jacob A (2022)

    Conference: EODC Forum 2022 | Vienna | 15.6.2022 - 15.6.2022

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    The Alpine Drought Observatory INTERREG project
    Bertoldi G (2022)

    Conference: Remtech Expo 2022 | Ferrara | 22.9.2022 - 22.9.2022

    Machine learning for discharge prediction in the Alps
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    The Alpine Drought Observatory Web Portal Design and Data Access Strategies
    Jacob A, Zellner PJ, Cattani L, Iacopino T, Greifeneder F, Ventura B, Quintero D, Vianello A, Bertoldi G, Mayer K, Seyerl G (2022)

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    Climate change and water resources in the Alps: which future is waiting for us?
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    The Alpine Drought Observatory Platform: An alpine wide CI/CD Pipeline in Action: From operational data production to web based visualization.
    Zellner PJ, Cattani L, Iacopino T, Claus M, Alasawedah M, Quintero D, Ventura B, Vianello A, Vlahovic Z, Mayer K, Jacob A (2022)

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    The ADO Portal: An Open Science and Open Data Approach to Drought Monitoring in the European Alps
    Jacob A, Zellner P, Iacopino T, Claus M, Alasawedah M, Quintero D, Ventura B, Vianello A (2022)

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    Potential of Satellite-derived long-term Snow Cover Dynamics for Alpine Drought Monitoring
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    Conference: International Mountain Conference IMC#22 | Innsbruck | 11.9.2022 - 15.9.2022

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    ADO hydrological datasets
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    Drought 2022 in the Alps: the Alpine Drought Observatory project
    Bertoldi G (2022)

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    Siccità, eventi estremi e cambiamenti climatici
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    Alpine Drought Observatory
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    Cambiamento globale nelle regioni di montagna e gli effetti sugli ecosistemi alpini
    Bertoldi G (2021)

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    Hydrological data collection for the Alpine Drought Observatory
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    The Alpine Drought Observatory Project ADO WP T1/T2: Monitoraggio meteorologico e idrologico della siccità raccolta e armonizzazione dei dati
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    Castelli M (2020)

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