New Sentinel Missions for Optimized Wildfire Hazard, Forestry and Agriculture Monitoring

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  • Italiano

SENWISE aims to develop high-resolution geoinformation tools to advance our understanding of land-atmosphere-human interactions and provide decision-relevant data for facilitating agriculture and forest management practices in Belgium, France, and Italy. We propose methodologies to retrieve useful Earth Observation (EO) products to end-users active in the forestry and agricultural domain. SENWISE will integrate different typologies of available EO datasets as proxies for the upcoming ESA Sentinel Extension missions (i.e., LSTM, CHIME, and ROSE-L) to maximize sensing capabilities of SAR, TIR, and VSWIR hyperspectral sensors for capturing vegetation features relevant for agroforestry management. The retrieval of biophysical parameters will involve plant species classification, biomass and structure estimation along with vegetation water content and health status to mitigate the risk of plant diseases and agricultural droughts. In parallel, we develop a prototype for wildfire danger mapping by providing a more precise characterization of forest fire susceptibility at local scale, with higher spatial and temporal resolution compared to existing data sources. These EO products will be publicly accessible through the OGC standards/openEO depending on project partners and stakeholders' requirements.

Contact person: Paulina Bartkowiak:

Our partners
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  • Diginove

  • Entente Valabre

  • Spacebel

  • Centre Spatial de Liege