Institute for Minority Rights - Gender Dynamics - News & Events - Dynamics and gender gaps in STEM: where do we stand?
Dynamics and gender gaps in STEM: where do we stand?
Data, correlations, and trends
- Date: 18.10.2023, 9:00 - 10:30
- Place: Eurac Research Auditorium
- Typology: AIMED AT High school classes.
Three female researchers and one male researcher from Eurac Research address issues related to gender dynamics in STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). The statistics of career choices in relation to the risk of poverty in old age, horizontal and vertical segregation (the so-called „glass ceiling“), the importance of recognising intersectionality dynamics and gender equality in the field of renewable energies are the topics that will be discussed during the meeting.
Heidi Flarer
sociologist, Statistics Office
Gender pay gap and gender pension gap: what do we mean by these terms and how are they related? How can career choices influence the risk of poverty in old age? Can career paths become traps? What do the data tell us?
Alexandra Tomaselli
Legal researcher, Institute for Minority Rights
What lies behind the numbers of the gender gap in STEM? An intersectional analysis, looking at different aspects and how they are intertwined, can give us different keys to interpretation.
Alessia Cornella
Economist and political scientist, expert in environmental policy and social sustainability, Institute for Renewable Energy
Federico Voltolini
Economist and sociologist, expert in social and energy policy, Institute for Renewable Energies
Renewable energy and gender equality: what skills and what roles in research? Evolving academic paths and the growing contribution of humanistic profiles in STEM.