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Transboundary ecological connectivity of Alps and Dinaric Mountains

    Ecological connectivity helps counteracting negative effects of habitat fragmentation and climate change. Eleven partners from seven countries will work to strengthen transnational cooperation to improve ecological connectivity throughout Dinaric Mountains connecting them with the Alps. EU and national policies will be examined, together with a socio-economic perspective of current pro-biodiversity businesses in the Pilot Regions, to prepare guidelines for their development in the project area. GIS spatial data will be collected to analyse the current ecological network and barriers. Combining analytical results with expert knowledge will deliver a Strategy for ecological connectivity throughout Dinaric Mountains connecting them with the Alps, which will be adopted by policy makers.

    DINALPCONNECT project aims at improving transnational cooperation to reduce fragmentation and improve ecological connectivity for long-term conservation of biodiversity and delivery of ecosystem services in the project area. Balkan peninsula acted as ice age refugia and played a crucial role for re-colonisation of Central and Northern Europe by plant and animal species. Some of Europe’s largest well-preserved old growth forests are found in Dinaric mountains. However, this is threatened by habitat fragmentation and habitat loss due to a range of pressures associated with agriculture and forestry. Un-coordinated development of infrastructure and urbanisation further fragment natural habitats and reduce long-term resilience of ecosystems and their services. Therefore, a conceptual framework is needed which would coordinate development to maintain ecological connectivity and identify priority areas for implementation of green infrastructure at different governance levels. A DINALPCONNECT strategy for ecological connectivity in Dinaric Mountains and connectivity with the Alps based on spatial analysis of current corridors and barriers will provide such a framework at the macro-regional level. On a transboundary level, Pilot region Action plans based on guidelines for agricultural and forestry practices protecting biodiversity will enable implementation of actions for improved EC of selected priority habitats on both sides of the national border.

    Landscape permeability for ecological connectivity at the macro-regional level: The Continuum Suitability Index and its practical implications
    Laner P, Rossi C, Luethi R, Favilli F, Bertoncelj I, Plassmann G, Haller RM (2024)
    Journal article
    Ecological Indicators

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    Combining GIS and SWOT analysis for enhancing ecological connectivity in the Alpine-Adriatic Area
    Favilli F (2023)

    Conference: Wildlife and Roads| Multiple aspects of an issue LIFE SAFE-CROSSING Final Conference | Sulmona : 17.5.2023 - 18.5.2023

    Combining GIS and SWOT analysis for enhancing ecological connectivity in the Alpine-Adriatic Area
    Favilli F, Laner P. (2023)

    Conference: Wildlife and Roads| Multiple aspects of an issue LIFE SAFE-CROSSING Final Conference | Sulmona : 17.5.2023 - 18.5.2023

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    Application of the continuum suitability index (csi) model to display the permeability of the alpine-dinaric landscape and to define intervention priorities for ecological linkages
    Favilli F, Laner P, Bertoncelj I (2023)
    Journal article
    Biodiversity and Conservation

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    Human and Wildlife Conflicts in the Alpine Region: a scientific perspective

    Favilli F (2022)

    Conference: Human & wildlife co-existence – traditional & modern farming approaches in the mountains | Sighisoara | 11.7.2022 - 13.7.2022

    Spatial analysis of ecological connectivity between the Alps and Dinaric mountains
    Laner P, Favilli F (2022)

    Conference: Securing ecological connectivity for large carnivores in the Carpathians | Baia Mare, Maramures | 4.7.2022 - 7.7.2022

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    DINALPCONNECT: Transboundary ecological connectivity of Alps and Dinaric Mountains & Spatial model for connectivity
    Favilli F, Laner P (2022)

    Conference: Large Carnivores, Wild Ungulates and Society Platform - WISO. 3rd meeting in the mandate until the XVII alpine conference | Online | 15.2.2022 - 15.2.2022

    Enabling long term protection of biodiversity improving spatial models of ecological connectivity: The experience of the DINALPCONNECT project
    Omizzolo A, Laner P, Favilli F (2022)

    Conference: 61st ERSA Annual Congress | Pécs | 22.8.2022 - 27.8.2022

    DINALPCONNECT: Transboundary ecological connectivity of Alps and Dinaric Mountains + Spatial model for connectivity [Doppione]
    Favilli F, Laner P (2022)

    Conference: Large Carnivores, Wild Ungulates and Society Platform - WISO. 3rd meeting in the mandate until the XVII alpine conference | Online | 15.2.2022 - 15.2.2022

    Atlas of ecological connectivity and the main barriers in the Dinarides and between Alps and Dinaric Mountains
    Laner P, Favilli F (2022)
    (Valorisation of agricultural and forested landscapes for ecological connectivity potential)

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    Planning principles and priority criteria for safeguarding open spaces in the Alps
    Laner P (2022)

    Conference: 4th International Conference on "Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions - SSPCR 2022" | Bolzano/Bozen | 19.7.2022 - 22.7.2022

    Report on ecological connectivity assessment: Evaluations for the project area and transboundary pilot regions
    Laner P, Favilli F (2022)
    EU Interreg Adrion DINALPCONNECT project
    (Valorisation of agricultural and forested landscapes for ecological connectivity potential)

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    Spatial model for ecological connectivity between the Alps and the Dinaric mountains
    Laner P, Favilli F (2022)

    Conference: DINALPCONNECT Conference on Ecological Connectivity | Velenje | 6.6.2022 - 7.6.2022

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    Spatial data availability and GIS model used to assess ecological connectivity
    Laner P, Favilli F (2022)
    (Valorisation of agricultural and forested landscapes for ecological connectivity potential)

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    Homo sano in natura sana
    Mezzena D, Favilli F, Laner P (2022)

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    Combining GIS and SWOT analysis for enhancing ecological connectivity in the Alpine-Adriatic Area
    Favilli F, Laner P (2022)

    Conference: IENE 2022 International Conference “Connecting people, connecting landscapes” | Cluj Napoca | 19.9.2022 - 23.9.2022

    SWOT workshop: Ecological connectivity of dry karst grasslands in the border area of Slovenia and Croatia
    Kostelić B, Grgić M, Novoselc J, Favilli F (2022)
    EU Interreg Adrion DINALPCONNECT project
    (Develop Action plans for Pilot regions to promote ecological connectivity on transboundary level)

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    Joint report on swot analysis carried out for the pilot area between Slovenia and Italy: Cross-border Chamois and Ibex management as well as Sustainable Forest Management in the Julian Alps
    Pretner M, Ferfolja S, Favilli F (2022)
    EU Interreg Adrion DINALPCONNECT project
    (Develop Action plans for Pilot regions to promote ecological connectivity on transboundary level)

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    SWOT workshop: SWOT analysis of eco-pastoral habitat systems management in the pilot area – Albania/Greece and for Ecological Connectivity Potentials
    Leonetti L, Boshnjaku A, Travlos I, Antonopoulos N, Gazoulis I, Favilli F (2022)
    EU Interreg Adrion DINALPCONNECT project
    (Develop Action plans for Pilot regions to promote ecological connectivity on transboundary level)

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    Joint report on the implemented workshops for performing SWOT analysis in pilot area on the border region of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Bilaver Galinec E, Premelč M, Favilli F (2022)
    EU Interreg Adrion DINALPCONNECT project
    (Develop Action plans for Pilot regions to promote ecological connectivity on transboundary level)

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    Spatial analysis of ecological connectivity between the Alps and Dinaric mountains
    Laner P, Favilli F (2022)

    Conference: SaveGREEN - final conference | Vienna | 6.12.2022 - 7.12.2022

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