Eurach Research


EU H2020 EnergyMatching - Adaptable and adaptive RES envelope solutions to maximise energy harvesting and optimize EU building and district load matching


    The overall objective of the project is to maximize the RES harvesting in the built environment by developing and demonstrating cost-effective active building skin solutions as part of an optimised building energy system, being connected into local energy grid and managed by a district energy hub implementing optimised control strategies within a comprehensive economic rationale balancing objectives and performance targets of both private and public stakeholders

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    Fotovoltaico integrato in copertura
    Ciolli V, Maturi L, Adami J, Dallapiccola M, Pelle M (2023)
    Journal article
    Casa & Clima

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    Serramenti innovativi: la finestra come elemento di facciata ‘attivo’
    Ciolli V, Isaia F, Minguez Hilera L (2023)

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    Tool for Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) early design optimisation
    Adami J (2022)

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    End of Life tool for building product development: the Solar Window Block case study
    Gubert M (2021)

    Conference: l’Associazione Rete Italiana LCA, Innovazione e Circolarità | Reggio Calabria | 22.9.2021 - 24.9.2021

    End of life tool for building product development: The solar window block case study
    Gubert M, Toniato G, Papaiz L, Avesani S

    Conference: X Convegno dell'Associazione Rete Italiana LCA | Reggio Calabria | 22.9.2021 - 24.9.2021

    EnergyMatching Tool for the BIPV Early Design Optimization
    Adami J (2021)

    Conference: 38th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition | online | 6.9.2021 - 10.9.2021

    Tecnologie attive a servizio dell'edificio
    Gubert M (2021)
    Journal article
    Casa & Clima

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    Techno-economic analysis of an exhaust air heat pump system assisted by unglazed transpired solar collectors in a Swedish residential cluster
    Puneet S, Bonato P, Fiedler F, Widén J, Zhang X (2021)
    Journal article
    Solar Energy

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    Active and energy-autonomous window. Renewable energy integration through design for manufacturing and assembly
    Andaloro A, Minguez L, Avesani S (2020)
    Conference proceedings article

    Conference: Facade Tectonics Institute World Congress | Los Angeles | 25.3.2020 - 26.3.2020

    L’edificio che produce energia: le nuove tecnologie d’involucro
    Ciolli V, Maturi L (2019)

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    Involucri attivi e adattabili: come l'edificio produce energia
    Ciolli V, Giona S, Maturi L, Moser D (2019)
    Journal article
    Casa & Clima

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