Eurach Research


Realization and start up of the new laboratory "HyLab" for the hygrothermal characterizzion of building materials and components

    • Project duration: -
    • Project status: finished
    • Funding:
      Provincial P.-L.P. 14. Research projects (Province BZ funding /Project)
    • Total project budget: €792,064.00
    • Institute: Institute for Renewable Energy

    The main goal of the HyLAB project is the realization of a laboratory for the hygrothermal analysis of building materials and components and its start up. The laboratory will be formed by three parts: 1) HyLAB Materials, dedicated to the characterization of building materials in laboratory 2) HyLAB Monitoring, dedicated to the verification of the performances of building components on site 3) HyLAB Simulations, dedicated to the calibration of numerical models and to the evaluation of technical and design solutions. Hygrothermal analysis plays an essential role in the prevention of moisture related damages in buildings, especially in the context of the energy retrofit of historic building, a topic that will become more and more relevant in the next years. HyLAB will create at the NOI Techpark a competence center currently missing in Italy. At the local level HyLAB will address mainly designers and producers acting in the construction sector. Moreover, HyLAB will support the creation of collaborations and synergies between Eurac and other institutions operating in the field of energy efficiency in South Tyrol and it will bring knowledge and innovation. HyLAB aims to become a laboratory with international reputation and to collaborate with universities and research centers in the field of energy retrofit of historic buildings, giving visibility to the NOI Techpark and to South Tyrol.

    Long-term monitoring data of hygrothermal conditions of a retrofitted historic building in Settequerce, South Tyrol (Italy)
    Panico S, Larcher M, Herrera-Avellanosa D, Cennamo D, Troi A (2024)
    Elsevier BV
    Journal article
    Data in Brief

    More information:

    Hygrothermal characterization of a plaster with recycled materials used as interior insulation
    Leonardi E, Larcher M, Herrera Avellanosa D, Stefani A, Troi A (2023)
    Conference proceedings article

    Conference: ICMB23 - 2nd International Conference on Moisture in Buildings 2023 | London | 3.7.2023 - 4.7.2023

    More information: ...

    Hygrothermal simulation challenges: Assessing boundary condition choices in retrofitting historic European buildings
    Panico S, Larcher M, Avellanosa DH, Baglivo C, Troi A, Congedo PM (2023)
    Elsevier BV
    Journal article
    Energy and Buildings

    More information:

    Hygrothermal aspects of interior insulation
    Larcher M (2021)

    Conference: SuHRF Symposium - Energy Transition in Heritage Contexts | online | 1.12.2021 - 1.12.2021

    Experimental measurement of materials’ drying coefficient for internal insulation: new approaches for laboratory testing
    Rieser A, Herrera-Avellanosa D,Leonardi E, Larcher M, Pfluger R (2021)
    Conference proceedings article

    Conference: SBE21 - Sustainable Built Heritage | online | 14.4.2021 - 16.4.2021

    More information:

    Hygrothermal analysis of a wall isolated from the inside: the potential of dynamic hygrothermal simulation
    Panico S, Larcher M, Troi A, Codreanu I, Baglivo C, Congedo PM (2021)
    Conference proceedings article

    Conference: SBE21 - Sustainable Built Heritage | online | 14.4.2021 - 16.4.2021

    More information:

    Using hygrothermal simulations to define safe and robust energy retrofit solutions: interior insulation of a mountain hut with extreme climate conditions
    Larcher M, Leonardi E, Troi A (2021)
    Conference proceedings article

    Conference: SBE21 - Sustainable Built Heritage | online | 14.4.2021 - 16.4.2021

    More information:

    Impact of climatic parameters on rain protection layer design for refurbished historic buildings
    Bottino Leone D, Larcher M, Troi A, Grunewald J (2021)
    Journal article
    Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

    More information: ...

    Hygrothermal characterization of a fictitious homogenized porous material to describe multiphase heat and moisture transport in massive historic walls
    Bottino Leone D, Larcher M, Troi A, Grunewald J (2021)
    Journal article
    Construction and Building Materials

    More information: ...

    Gli isolanti termici nell’edilizia: Materiali e sistemi costruttivi alternativi
    Venturi N, Larcher M (2021)
    Other contribution
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