- Project duration: -
- Project status: finished
- Funding: FESR (EU funding / Project)
- Total project budget: €843,300.00
- Website:
- Institute: Institute for Renewable Energy
In its "KlimaPlan 2050" strategy document, South Tyrol has set targets of 1.5 t/y of CO2 emissions and 90% of its energy needs to be covered by renewables by 2050.
These targets are achievable only in the presence of a strong reduction in energy consumption and a high penetration of renewable energy sources. INTEGRIDS will explore the concept of integrated energy networks defined as the synergy between thermal and electrical networks to enable high penetration of renewables in buildings and neighborhoods. INTEGRIDS will enable the development of robust and reliable technologies and control strategies that can effectively respond to climate and usage dynamics through a high level of energy flexibility to maintain maximum energy and functional efficiency. The main objectives are: - the definition of the concept of energy flexible buildings and neighborhoods - the structuring of environments for the modeling of integrated networks, technological solutions and ancillary services - the realization of an experimental infrastructure for the real time emulation of urban contexts where to implement the integrated networks of the future - the active involvement of stakeholders through the work of the Project Advisory Board The innovative approach of INTEGRIDS will allow to increase knowledge in a "knowledge intensive" area identified as strategic in the "smart specialization".
Scientific Output
- D3.1: Linee guida per definire il concetto di flessibilità energetica a livello di singolo edificio / energy Flexible buildings concept
- D3.2: Energy flexible district concept: load profiles at district level, also coming from technology solution shared at district scale
- D4.1: Descrizione della metodologia per valutare il best energy mix di una data area geografica e degli algoritmi utilizzati per l'ottimizzazione / Methodology to assess the best energy mix
- D4.2: Modellazione di transitori e fattibilità tecnica di sistemi energetici ad alta penetrazione di rinnovabili / Technical feasibility of high penetration of renewables
- D4.3: Modello e power flow della rete / Grid model and power flow
- D5.1: Installazione e funzionamento dell'infrastruttura di laboratorio INTERGRIDS / Installation and commissioning of the INTEGRIDS virtual microgrid
- D5.2: Procedure di test/Testing procedures for performance mapping of integrated energy grids
- D6.1: Osservabilità delle reti energetiche e modelli previsionali / Concept for improved observability of energy grids and forecasting models
- D5.3: Dimostrazione dei concetti INTEGRIDS/ INTEGRIDS concepts demonstration.
Deliverables di progetto
- M. Scarpa "How heat pumps may be leveragedin the management of smart grids"
- M. Pau "Using heat pumps to support electric distribution grids: opportunities and challenges"
- G. Emmi "Use of active demand response as possible solution to improve grid reliability"
- J. Spreitzhofer "Electricity-market participation of heat pumps in single family houses and district heating networks"
- M. Qadrdan "Hybrid heat pump: a whole-system analysis"
- M. Cozzini "INTERGRIDS and FLEXYNETS projects - DHC networks, heat pump pools and DSM"
- G. Barchi "INTERGRIDS project - Electric and thermal grids integration with energy flexible buildings"
- D. Moser "Brief Introduction about Eurac Research and the Institute for Renewable Energy"
Presentazioni dal Workshop “Energy sector coupling: electric-thermal interaction through heat pumps"
- R. Pernetti "La metodologia di calcolo dello Smart Readiness Indicator: il caso studio del NOI Techpark"
- D. Moser "INTEGRIDS project - Integrated electric and thermal grids with energy flexible buildings"
- M. Tucci, F. De Lia, R. Schioppo, R. Lo Presti, V. Lucaferri, M. Radicioni "DTE-FSD-TEF Tecnologie Fotovoltaiche" - S. Pizzuti, S. Romano, F. Pieroni, M. Botticelli "DTE-SEN-SCC Smart Cities Communities"
- I. Vigna "La flessibilità energica, dalla definizione alla valutazione"
Presentazioni dal Workshop Edifici energeticamente flessibili e reti energetiche integrate
Esplora la lista dei progetti portati avanti dal gruppo di ricerca su Sistemi fotovoltaici.
Leggi le linee guida e gli obiettivi del Piano clima della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano.
Prina MG, Capogna Fornaroli F, Moser D, Manzolini G, Sparber W (2021)
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Smart Energy
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Pierro M, Perez R, Perez M, Moser D, Cornaro C (2021)
Elsevier BV
Journal article
Renewable Energy
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Prina MG, Casalicchio V, Kaldemeyer C, Manzolini G, Moser D, Wanitschke A, Sparber W (2020)
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Applied Energy
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Pierro M, Perez R, Perez M, Moser D, Cornaro C (2020)
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Renewable Energy
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