Eurach Research


EU LIFE - LIFE4HeatRecovery - Low Temperature, Urban Waste Heat into District Heating and Cooling Networks as a Clean Source of Thermal Energy


    EU LIFE - LIFE4HeatRecovery - Low Temperature, Urban Waste Heat into District Heating and Cooling Networks as a Clean Source of Thermal Energy. LIFE4HeatRecovery will demonstrate a new generation of highly efficient district heating networks. New generation DH networks operated at very low temperatures can directly recover heat rejected by chillers (at around 30 to 40°C, e.g. from air-conditioners, supermarkets’ refrigeration and industrial processes), using rejected heat to cover heating needs in other buildings. However, a large number of high temperature 3rd generation DH network exists, which normally can recover thermal energy only from high temperature industrial processes. In these cases, high-temperature water-to-water heat pumps are needed to rise the temperature of the heat rejected to the network’s levels. With LIFE4HeatRecovery, customers assume both the role of energy consumers and producers. Trading schemes will be elaborated having the energy users as a focal point, trying to gather social acceptance and triggering the wide adoption of the solutions. LIFE4HeatRecovery activities will also be focused on the development of innovative financing mechanisms based on public-private collaboration, contributing to the uptake and large-scale replication of reliable business cases.

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    Coupling energy efficiency in industry and district heating: modelling of low-temperature waste heat recovery substations and a case study analysis
    Anania D, Russo G, Palombo A, Cozzini M, Fedrizzi R (2024)
    Conference proceedings article

    Conference: 19th SDEWES, Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems | Rome | 8.9.2024 - 12.9.2024

    A New Method for the Techno-Economic Analysis and the Identification of Expansion Strategies of Neutral-Temperature District Heating and Cooling Systems
    Calixto S, Cozzini M, Fedrizzi R, Manzolini G (2024)
    Journal article

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    Performance measurement and detailed modelling of an existing neutral-temperature DH network based on decentralized HPs
    Cozzini M, Köseoğlu C (2021)

    Conference: 7th International Conference Smart Energy Systems 2021 | | 21.9.2021 - 22.9.2021

    Monitoring and aggregate modelling of an existing neutral temperature district heating network
    Calixto S, Köseoğlu C, Cozzini M, Manzolini G (2021)
    Elsevier BV
    Journal article
    Energy Reports

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    Modelling of an Existing Neutral Temperature District Heating Network: Detailed and Approximate Approaches
    Calixto S, Cozzini M, Manzolini G (2021)
    Journal article

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    Reti di teleriscaldamento e teleraffrescamento basate su pompe di calore decentralizzate e recupero di calore a bassa temperatura
    Cozzini M, Calixto S, Buffa S, Fedrizzi R (2020)
    Journal article
    Aicarr Journal

    Life4HeatRecovery: Putting waste heat to work
    Editorial office of Projects (2019)

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    District Heating and Cooling Networks Based on Decentralized Heat Pumps: Energy Efficiency and Reversibility at Affordable Costs
    Cozzini M, D'Antoni M, Buffa S, Fedrizzi R, Bava F (2018)
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    HPT Magazine

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    Teleriscaldamento e teleraffrescamento a bassa temperatura
    Autori vari, Institute for Renewable Energy (2018)
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    Servizi a Rete

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