Eurach Research


EU H2020 PV IMPACT - Actual execution of the Implementation Plan for Photovoltaics and monitoring the Implementation Plan’s delivery

    • Project duration: -
    • Project status: finished
    • Funding:
      Societal Challenge (Horizon 2020 /EU funding /Project)
    • Total project budget: €1,094,565.00
    • Website:
    • Institute: Institute for Renewable Energy

    PV Impact will try out a variety of approaches to stimulate the private sector to spend more on PV research, development and innovation in Europe. The part of the project will focus on inviting companies to matchmaking events so they can make new connections and find partners with whom to work on their plans. The project will also target two specific industrial companies: one, ENEL Green Power, will try to make progress on the Implementation Plan by coordinating the many different PV actors in Italy; the other, Photowatt, will work mostly privately but tap the consortium's expertise and those of scientists whom it will select to help it make the right strategic technical choices to be a serious competitor in PV manufacturing.

    Another important part of the project is to monitor progress in PV. Data will be collected on public spending in the EU, on private spending, on the kinds of projects being funded and on the overall performance of PV technology. Forecasts for future spending will be made according to various scenarios. The project will track whether improvements in the performance of technology are keeping pace with expectations. It will make recommendations to European funding authorities on how they can play their part in putting European PV technology back the top of the class if it is falling behind.

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    Vallecchi L (2021)

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    Il PNRR e il rilancio delle strategie di decarbonizzazione
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    Conference proceedings article

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    Ricerca e innovazione, indispensabili per il rilancio dell’industria fotovoltaica in Italia
    Mazzer M, Moser D, Bizzarri F, Basosi R (2020)
    Journal article

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    Imprese, ricerca e investitori insieme per la diffusione e innovazione del fotovoltaico in Europa: il progetto PV IMPACT
    Moser D, Bizzarri F, Mazzer M (2019)

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    Puntare sul fotovoltaico per raggiungere gli obiettivi 2030: rilancio delle rinnovabili col progetto PV IMPACT
    Moser D, Bizzarri F, Mazzer M (2019)

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