Eurach Research

environmental monitoring

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Biodiversity Monitoring South Tyrol, a long-term project
video reportage

Biodiversity Monitoring South Tyrol, a long-term project

Monitoraggio della biodiversità in Alto Adige, un progetto a lungo termine
video reportage

Monitoraggio della biodiversità in Alto Adige, un progetto a lungo termine

LTSER platform Val Mazia/Matschertal
video reportage

LTSER platform Val Mazia/Matschertal

Osservare il terreno: tecniche radar per la misura dell'umidità
video reportage
climate change

Osservare il terreno: tecniche radar per la misura dell'umidità

Think of a bee

Think of a bee

The delicate diversity of South Tyrol’s bees

 Let’s take a field trip
climate change

Let’s take a field trip

Grasslands are complex and productive ecosystems as diverse as they are endangered.

Living rivers

Living rivers

How the organisms that inhabit watercourses mirror their state of health

climate change

A che punto è l'Alto Adige sulla strada per la neutralità climatica?

Il monitoraggio del Piano Clima mostra l'andamento delle emissioni in Alto Adige

Studying the woods through photography

Studying the woods through photography

Photographing the forest canopy can help protect it

environmental monitoring

4.000 pagine di dati meteorologici storici digitalizzati grazie a dieci scuole

Drones for science

Drones for science

Remotely piloted aircraft are changing scientific research

A breath of snow

A breath of snow

New satellite technology to monitor the thermal conductivity of snow

Chi l’ha visto?

Chi l’ha visto?

In alta Venosta sono state identificate quattro specie di ragno mai ritrovate prima in Alto Adige. Due di loro sono una novità anche per l’Italia. Eccole in una raccolta di foto.

climate change

Cambiamenti climatici in Alto Adige: online una nuova piattaforma con dati e grafici

Il “Monitoraggio dei cambiamenti climatici in Alto Adige” utilizza indicatori selezionati per rendere visibili i cambiamenti del clima e i loro effetti

Earth's swan song
climate change

Earth's swan song

What are thermokarst lakes and why soil warming should worry us even more than air warming

climate change

La siccità nelle Alpi: online, in un colpo d'occhio

Il nuovo portale, regolarmente aggiornato, rende visibili anomalie climatiche

Things you need to know about the air we breathe in our homes

Things you need to know about the air we breathe in our homes

How to monitor and improve it

Monitoring fine dust – by bike
environmental monitoring

Monitoring fine dust – by bike

Combining low-cost sensors and bikesharing to collect more pollution-monitoring measurements in the city

When Excel is not enough
open science

When Excel is not enough

Tales from the community using Open-Source software to create their own working tools

Trova le differenze
earth observation

Trova le differenze

Dati satellitari dettagliatissimi hanno fotografato l’evoluzione dei ghiacciai presenti in Alto Adige e Tirolo.

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Eurac Research is a private research center based in Bolzano (South Tyrol) with researchers from a wide variety of scientific fields who come from all over the globe. Together, through scientific knowledge and research, they share the goal of shaping the future.

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What we do

Our research addresses the greatest challenges facing us in the future: people need health, energy, well-functioning political and social systems and an intact environment. These are complex questions, and we are seeking the answers in the interaction between many different disciplines. [About us](/en/about-us-eurac-research)


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