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Things to know before participating in a medical study
Biobanks, privacy and ethical research

So, what’s a biobank actually for?
The most obvious answer is to preserve biological samples, but there’s much more to it than that.

Filtering data on kidney function
A look at kidney function biomarkers and associated cardiovascular risk with Epidemiologist Ryosuke Fujii

Optimists suffer less
How affective temperaments affect pain perception

Molecule identified that could counteract arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy

The right pills
A CHRIS health study spinoff investigates the effectiveness of hypertension medications

"Shifting focus from disease to human health"
Synergy between Eurac Research and Human Technopole of Milan gives new life to health research in Italy

Pioneering biomedical research in South Tyrol
A new chapter for the CHRIS health study in Vinschgau/Val Venosta.
Covid-19 in Val Gardena
Conclusa l'analisi dei dati sull'infezione

Never a better time for open science

Studio CHRIS Covid-19 in Venosta: in autunno contagiate quattro persone su cento
Prosegue il reclutamento dei partecipanti per ampliare la base di dati per la ricerca scientifica

Covid-19 in Venosta: incidenza maggiore di quanto rilevato in primavera

Altitude does not protect against the disease
Covid-19 in mountain areas

"Sosteniamo sindaci e medici di base nella ripartenza"
L'epidemiologo Cristian Pattaro racconta lo studio CHRIS Covid-19
Covid-19: supporto all'Azienda Sanitaria nei test in Val Gardena

"Right now, we're an information hub for health networks."
Interview with Hermann Brugger, head of the Institute of Mountain Emergency Medicine.

Kidney failure: study discovers a variety of new risk genes
An international research consortium led by Eurac Research has identified 147 gene regions, that affect Kidney function