Eurach Research


Ecologia e struttura trofica della macrofauna alpina del suolo


    Gli ecosistemi del suolo alpino e i loro abitanti invertebrati sono l'obiettivo principale del progetto AlpSoil. Le praterie seminaturali, diffuse nelle Alpi, soffrono di molti cambiamenti ambientali e socio-economici come il cambiamento climatico e l'abbandono dell'uso tradizionale del suolo. Gli invertebrati del suolo degli ecosistemi alpini giocano un ruolo cruciale nella decomposizione della lettiera, negli cicli dei nutrienti e nella pedogenesi, e quindi possono contribuire alla resistenza contro i rischi naturali, ma si sa ancora poco sulla loro composizione delle specie e sulla struttura trofica. Impieghiamo un ampio approccio di campionamento lungo i gradienti di elevazione e di uso del suolo per analizzare la composizione della comunità e la struttura degli invertebrati del suolo, nonché i legami con il loro ambiente abiotico e biotico. Usiamo metodi tradizionali come le trappole a Barber e l'estrazione del calore delgli animali del suolo, così come metodi moderni come gli isotopi stabili e le tecniche molecolari.

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    Soil SurveyCredit: Eurac Research | Ivo Corrà

    Soil SurveyCredit: Eurac Research | Ivo Corrà

    Soil SurveyCredit: Eurac Research | Ivo Corrà

    Soil SurveyCredit: Eurac Research | Ivo Corrà

    Soil SurveyCredit: Eurac Research | Ivo Corrà

    Soil SurveyCredit: Eurac Research | Ivo Corrà

    Soil SurveyCredit: Eurac Research | Ivo Corrà

    Soil SurveyCredit: Eurac Research | Ivo Corrà

    Soil SurveyCredit: Eurac Research | Ivo Corrà
    A global review on the biodiversity in mountain soils above the treeline
    Steinwandter M, Praeg N, Urbach D, Snethlage MA, Weber B, Illmer P, Seeber J (2024)

    Conference: Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences | Florence | 19.5.2024 - 21.5.2024

    Boden und Bach: Vielfalt und Anpassungen der Entomofauna im Gebirge
    Seeber J, Niedrist G (2024)

    Conference: ÖEG Kolloquium 2024 | Innsbruck | 16.3.2024 - 16.3.2024

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    Diversity of soil invertebrates and their associated microbiota in an Alpine Grassland Ecosystem
    Seeber J, Blasbichler H, Steinwandter M, Rhezak T, Praeg N, Galla G, Hauffe HC, Illmer P (2024)

    Conference: International Colloquium Soil Zoology 2024 | Cape Town | 26.8.2024 - 30.8.2024

    Biodiversity in mountain soils above the treeline: A global review
    Steinwandter M, Praeg N, Urbach D, Snethlage MA, Weber B, Illmer P, Seeber J (2024)

    Conference: International Colloquium Soil Zoology 2024 | Cape Town | 26.8.2024 - 30.8.2024

    Ground-dwelling invertebrates of the high alpine: Changes in diversity and community composition along elevation (1500–3000 m)
    Steinwandter M, Seeber J (2023)
    Articolo su rivista
    Applied Soil Ecology

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    Biodiversity in Mountain Soils
    Seeber J (2023)

    Conference: Seminar lecture - University of Camerino | Camerino | 6.6.2023 - 6.6.2023

    Biodiversity in mountain soils: current knowledge and research needs
    Steinwandter M, Illmer P, Praeg N, Seeber J, Snethlage M, Weber B, Urbach D (2023)

    Conference: 3rd Global Soil Biodiversity Conference | Dublin | 13.3.2023 - 15.3.2023

    Exploring alpine soil fauna communities: composition, biodiversity and functional groups in a highly changing environment
    Steinwandter M, Blasbicher H, Guariento E, Plunger J, von Spinn J, Seeber J (2023)

    Conference: 3rd Global Soil Biodiversity Conference | Dublin | 13.3.2023 - 15.3.2023

    Ground-dwelling invertebrate communities in mountain grasslands in South Tyrol (Italy): Surveying changes in abundances, diversity, and sex ratio
    Steinwandter M, Seeber J (2023)
    Articolo su rivista

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    Effects of land-use change in mountain soil biodiversity
    Steinwandter M (2023)

    Conference: Biodiversity and land use planning | Rome | 4.12.2023 - 4.12.2023

    Globally invariant metabolism but density-diversity mismatch in springtails
    Potapov AM, Guerra CA, van den Hoogen J, Babenko A, Bellini BC, Berg MP, Chown SL, Deharveng L, Kováč Ľ, Kuznetsova NA, Ponge JF, Potapov MB, Russell DJ, Alexandre D, Alatalo JM, Arbea JI, Bandyopadhyaya I, Bernava V, Bokhorst S, Bolger T, Castaño-Meneses G, Chauvat M, Chen TW, Chomel M, Classen AT, Cortet J, Čuchta P, Manuela de la Pedrosa A, Ferreira SSD, Fiera C, Filser J, Franken O, Fujii S, Koudji EG, Gao M, Gendreau-Berthiaume B, Gomez-Pamies DF, Greve M, Tanya Handa I, Heiniger C, Holmstrup M, Homet P, Ivask M, Janion-Scheepers C, Jochum M, Joimel S, Claudia S Jorge B, Jucevica E, Ferlian O, Iuñes de Oliveira Filho LC, Klauberg-Filho O, Baretta D, Krab EJ, Kuu A, de Lima ECA, Lin D, Lindo Z, Liu A, Lu JZ, Luciañez MJ, Marx MT, McCary MA, Minor MA, Nakamori T, Negri I, Ochoa-Hueso R, Palacios-Vargas JG, Pollierer MM, Querner P, Raschmanová N, Rashid MI, Raymond-Léonard LJ, Rousseau L, Saifutdinov RA, Salmon S, Sayer EJ, ...

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    Global monitoring of soil animal communities using a common methodology
    Potapov AM, Sun X, Barnes AD, Briones MJ, Brown GG, Cameron EK, Chang C-H, Cortet J, Eisenhauer N, Franco AL, Fujii S, Geisen S, Guerra C, Gongalsky K, Haimi J, Handa IT, Janion-Sheepers C, Karaban K, Lindo Z, Mathieu J, Moreno ML, Murvanidze M, Nielsen U, Scheu S, Schmidt O, Schneider C, Seeber J, Tsiafouli M, Tuma J, Tiunov A, Zaytsev AS, Ashwood F, Callaham M, Wall D (2022)
    Articolo su rivista
    Soil organisms

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    Alpine soil macro-invertebrate communities along high elevation gradients
    Steinwandter M,Seeber J (2022)

    Conference: World Biodiversity Forum 2022 | Davos | 26.6.2022 - 1.7.2022

    Einblicke in die Diversität der Bodenorganismen in den Trockenweiden des Vinschgaus
    Steinwandter M, Seeber J (2022)

    Conference: Lebendige Steppe - Die inneralpinen Trockenrasen im Vinschgau und in der Terra Raetica | Schlanders (BZ) | 6.5.2022 - 6.5.2022

    Die Gesellschaften alpiner Bodenmakroinvertebraten entlang Höhengradienten im oberen Vinschgau (Südtirol, Italien)
    Steinwandter M, von Spinn J, Seeber J (2022)

    Conference: 12. Zoologische und botanische Forschung in Südtirol | Bozen | 15.9.2022 - 16.9.2022

    Belowground Mountaineers: Critters Living in Mountain Soils
    Steinwandter M, Seeber J (2022)
    Articolo su rivista
    Frontiers for Young Minds

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    Soil fauna mountaineers: surveying high alpine ground-dwelling invertebrate communities
    Steinwandter M, von Spinn J, Seeber J (2022)

    Conference: International Mountain Conference 2022 | Innsbruck | 11.9.2022 - 15.9.2022

    The nutritional ecology of ant communities on the alpine tree line ecotone
    Guariento E, Wanek W, Fiedler K (2022)

    Conference: Ento22 Conference of the Royal Entomological Society | Lincoln UK | 13.9.2022 - 16.9.2022

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    Biodiversität in Gebirgsböden
    Seeber J (2022)

    Conference: Zoologisch-ökologisches Seminar, Universität für Bodenkultur | Vienna (AT) | 31.5.2022 - 31.5.2022

    Soil Biodiversity at High Latitudes and High Elevations
    Seeber J (2022)

    Conference: "GSBI talks" webinar series | Dublin (online) | 13.4.2022 - 13.4.2022

    Shifts in ground-dwelling predator communities in response to changes in management intensity in Alpine meadows
    Plunger J, Guariento E, Steinwandter M, Colla F, Rief A, Seeber J (2022)
    Articolo su rivista
    Soil organisms

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    Vegetation shapes alpine ground-dwelling macro-invertebrate communities: A case study from the Stilfserjoch/Stelvio National Park (Martell/Martello, South Tyrol, Italy)
    Steinwandter M, Blasbichler H, Seeber J (2022)
    Articolo su rivista

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    Neufunde von Spinnen (Arachnida: Araneae) für Südtirol und Italien aus dem Obervinschgau
    Steinwandter M, Von Spinn J, Thaler-Knoflach B, Seeber J (2022)
    Articolo su rivista

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    Effect of land-use on carbon and nitrogen pool partitioning in temperate European grasslands
    Seeber J, Tasser E, Rubatscher D, Altimir N, Balzarolo M, Barancok P, Cernusca A, Drösler M, Gamper S, Lavorel S, Loacker I, Robson M, Sebastia T, Staszewskii T, Tappeiner U, Vescovo L, Wohlfahrt G, Bahn M (2022)
    Articolo su rivista
    Science of the Total Environment

    Ulteriori informazioni: ...

    Global maps of soil temperature
    Lembrechts JJ, van den Hoogen J, […], Della Chiesa S, Niedrist G, Seeber J, Steinwandter M, […] (2022)
    Articolo su rivista
    Global Change Biology

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    Distribution of soil macrofauna across different habitats in the Eastern European Alps
    Seeber J, Steinwandter M, Tasser E, Guariento E, Peham T, Rüdisser J, Schlick-Steiner BC, Steiner FM, Tappeiner U, Meyer E (2022)
    Articolo su rivista
    Scientific Data

    Ulteriori informazioni: ...

    Frontiers in soil ecology: insights from the World Biodiversity Forum 2022
    Eisenhauer N, Bender SF, Calderón-Sanou I, De Vries FT, Lembrechts JJ, Thullier W, Wall DH, Zeiss R, Bahram M, Beugnon R, Burton VJ, Crowther TW, Delgado-Baquerizo M, Geisen S, Kardol P, Krashevska V, Martínez-Muñoz CA, Patoine G, Seeber J, Soudzilovskaia NA, Steinwandter M, Sünnemann M, Sun X, Van Der Heijden GA, Guerra CA, Potapov A (2022)
    Articolo su rivista
    Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    Functional traits of carabids (Coleoptera: Carabidae) along an elevational gradient
    Colla F, Steinwandter M, Illmer P, Seeber J (2022)

    Conference: World Biodiversity Forum 2022 | Davos | 26.6.2022 - 1.7.2022

    Evaluating changes in insect-microorganism relationships along an altitudinal gradient
    Colla F, Hauffe CH, Illmer P, Seeber J (2021)

    Conference: XXVI Congresso Nazionale Italiano di Entomologia. | Torino/Online. | 8.6.2021 - 8.6.2021

    Biodiversity in hay meadows: effects of intensive agriculture on ground-dwelling macro-invertebrates
    Plunger J, Steinwandter M, Guariento E, Colla F, Rief A, Seeber J (2021)

    Conference: Global Symposium on Soil Biodiversity FAO | Rome/Online | 20.4.2021 - 20.4.2021

    Biodiversity and community structure of soil invertebrates along management intensity gradients
    Guariento E, Plunger J, Filippo C, Steinwandter M, Tappeiner U, Seeber J, Colla F (2021)

    Conference: XVIII International Colloquium on Soil Zoology (ICSZ2021) | Bozen | 16.8.2021 - 21.8.2021

    Soil macro-invertebrate communities along land use intensity gradients in a mountain region
    Guariento E, Plunger J, Colla F, Steinwandter M, Rief A, Tappeiner U, Seeber J (2021)

    Conference: XXVI Congresso Nazionale Italiano di Entomologia. | Torino/Online. | 8.6.2021 - 8.6.2021

    Biodiversity in hay meadows: effects of intensive agriculture on ground-dwelling macro-invertebrates
    Plunger J, Steinwandter M, Guariento E, Colla F, Rief A, Seeber J (2021)

    Conference: XVIII International Colloquium on Soil Zoology (ICSZ2021) | Bozen | 16.8.2021 - 21.8.2021

    High alpine soil macro-invertebrates: First results from three elevation gradients
    Steinwandter M, Seeber J (2021)

    Conference: XVIII International Colloquium on Soil Zoology (ICSZ2021) | Bozen | 16.8.2021 - 21.8.2021

    Vergleich der Boden-Wanzenfauna in extensiv und intensiv bewirtschafteten Wiesen und Obstkulturen
    Hilpold A, Guariento E, Tappeiner U, Seeber J (2021)

    Conference: 47. Treffen der „Arbeitsgruppe Mitteleuropäischer Heteropterologen“ | Bozen | 27.8.2021 - 29.8.2021

    Xantholinus audrasi (Coiffait, 1956) (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), new record for South Tyrol
    Colla F, Zanetti A, Guariento E, Plunger J, Seeber J (2021)
    Articolo su rivista

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    Soil survey in agricultural environments within the Biodiversity Monitoring South Tyrol (BMS)
    Plunger J, Seeber J, Steinwandter M, Guariento E, Hilpold A, Tappeiner U (2021)
    Contributo in atti di convegno

    Conference: Global Symposium on Soil Biodiversity FAO | Rome/Online | 20.4.2021 - 20.4.2021

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    Biodiversity in hay meadows: effects of intensive agriculture on ground-dwelling macro-invertebrates
    Plunger J, Steinwandter M, Guariento E, Colla F, Rief A, Seeber J (2021)
    Contributo in atti di convegno

    Conference: Global Symposium on Soil Biodiversity FAO | Rome/Online | 20.4.2021 - 20.4.2021

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    Soil invertebrate abundance, diversity, and community composition across steep high elevation snowmelt gradients in the European Alps
    Seeber J, Newesely C, Steinwandter M, Rief A, Koerner C, Tappeiner U, Meyer E (2021)
    Articolo su rivista
    Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research

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