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Istituto per l'ambiente alpino - Projects - LT(S)ER: Open air laboratory Matsch/Mazia

LT(S)ER: Open air laboratory Matsch/Mazia

Ricerca ecologica a lungo termine (LTSER) nel laboratorio all'aperto della Val Mazia

    LT(S)ER: Open air laboratory Matsch/Mazia

    Ricerca a lungo termine e campagne di misurazione interdisciplinari sono condizioni fondamentali per poter descrivere le complesse dinamiche di effetto ed interazione del cambiamento climatico nelle regioni montane. Servendosi delle stazioni di misurazione allestite nell'ambito del progetto "Climate Change in South Tyrol", il progetto si propone di unificare diversi approcci scientifici e osservarne lo sviluppo a lungo termine. Concretamente si intende confrontare e combinare i dati relativi a: 1) analisi di processi 2) esperimenti di manipolazione 3) osservazioni lungo transetti su diverse scale (dal plot al paesaggio) e in base alle diverse forme di utilizzo del suolo (prati da sfalcio, pascolo, bosco). Per dare maggiore visibilitá a queste ricerche e per collocare i risultati ottenuti in un contesto piú ampio, si aspira a inserire l'area di ricerca descritta nella rete LTER. Parte del progetto prevede inoltre che parte dell'area di ricerca venga utilizzata dalla NASA nell'ambito della missione SMAP per rilevare dati sull'umiditá del terreno via satellite.

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    LTER Messungsstation

    LTER Laboratory Matsch

    LTER Standort

    LTER Standort

    LTER Standort

    LTER Messungsstation
    Tree growth at the limits: the response of multiple conifers to opposing climatic constraints along an elevational gradient in the Alps
    Obojes N, Buscarini S, Meurer A, Tasser E, Oberhuber W, Mayr S, Tappeiner U (2024)
    Articolo su rivista
    Frontiers in Forests and Global Change

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    Six years of high-resolution climatic data collected along an elevation gradient in the Italian Alps
    Zandonai A, Fontana V, Klotz J, Bertoldi G, Crepaz H, Tappeiner U, Niedrist G (2024)
    Articolo su rivista
    Scientific Data

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    Phenological responses of alpine snowbed communities to advancing snowmelt
    Crepaz H, Quaglia E, Lombardi G, Lonati M, Rossi M, Ravetto Enri S, Dullinger S, Tappeiner U, Niedrist G (2024)
    Articolo su rivista
    Ecology and Evolution

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    Analyzing soil enzymes to assess soil quality parameters in long-term copper accumulation through a machine learning approach
    Genova G, Borruso L, Signorini M, Mitterer M, Niedrist G, Cesco S, Felderer B, Cavani L, Mimmo T (2024)
    Articolo su rivista
    Applied Soil Ecology

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    Incorporating high-resolution climate, remote sensing and topographic data to map annual forest growth in central and eastern Europe
    Jevšenak J, Klisz M, Mašek J, Čada V, Janda P, Svoboda M, Vostarek O, Treml V, van der Maaten E, Popa A, Popa I, van der Maaten-Theunissen M, Zlatanov T, Scharnweber T, Ahlgrimm S, Stolz J, Sochová I, Roibu C-C, Pretzsch H, Schmied G, Uhl E, Kaczka R, Wrzesiński P, Šenfeldr M, Jakubowski M, Tumajer J, Wilmking M, Obojes N, Rybníček M, Lévesque M, Potapov A, Basu S, Stojanović M, Stjepanović S, Vitas A, Arnič D, Metslaid S, Neycken A, Prislan P, Hartl C, Ziche D, Horáček P, Krejza J, Mikhailov S, Světlík J, Kalisty A, Kolář T, Lavnyy V, Hordo M, Oberhuber W, Levanič T, Mészáros I, Schneider L, Lehejček J, Shetti R, Bošeľa M, Copini P, Koprowski M, Sass-Klaassen U, Ceyda Izmir Ş, Bakys R, Entner H, Esper J, Janecka K, Martinez del Castillo E, Verbylaite R, Árvai M, Charlet J, Čufar K, Finner M, Hilmers T, Kern Z, Novak K, Ponjarac R, Puchałka R, Schuldt B, Škrk Dolar N, Ta...

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    Quantifying drought impact on conifer growth using dendrometer and sap flow data
    Obojes N, Tasser E, Oberhuber W, Mayr S, Tappeiner U (2024)

    Conference: TRACE 2024 | BRAȘOV | 3.6.2024 - 7.6.2024

    Can we bring alpine climate into ecotrons?
    Crepaz H, Klotz J, Cavalli M, Tappeiner U, Niedrist G (2024)

    Conference: EGU 2024 | Vienna | 14.4.2024 - 19.4.2024

    Long-and short-term impact of climatic conditions on mountain forest growth in the Alps along an elevation transect
    Obojes N, Tasser E, Oberhuber W, Mayr S, Tappeiner U (2024)

    Conference: 26th IUFRO World Congress | Stockholm | 23.6.2024 - 29.6.2024

    Quantifying drought impact on tree growth and wood formation: observations along two elevation transects in dry alpine valleys
    Bibbò T, Fonti P, Obojes N (2024)

    Conference: 26th IUFRO World Congress | Stockholm | 23.6.2024 - 29.6.2024

    Trait occupancy of ants, butterflies, carabid beetles, grasshoppers and vascular plants along an elevational gradient
    Fontana V (2024)

    Conference: 19th Eurasian Grassland Conference | Bolzano | 26.8.2024 - 1.9.2024

    From Leaves to Forests: How to Map Stress in Plants due to Climate Change
    Chew Y, Chuprikova E, Mejia-Aguilar A, Obojes N, Kumke H, Meng L (2024)

    Conference: EuroCarto 2024 | Vienna | 9.9.2024 - 11.9.2024

    European Dendroecological Fieldweek (EDF) 2021 in Val Müstair, Switzerland: International education and research during the pandemic
    Treydte K, Martínez-Sancho E, Dorado-Liñán I, Kaczka RJ, Feichtinger L, Verstege A, Bassett KR, Cassitti P, D'Andrea R, Facchinetti O, Fileccia MC, Islam N, Kessler A, Korolyova N, Kunz N, Marušić M, Mašek J, Obojes N, Oxley L, Rennhard V, Schaad E, Schmied G, Seifert M, Serrano-León H, Sever K, Spînu AP, Vuerich M, Piermattei A, Crivellaro A (2023)
    Articolo su rivista
    Dendrochronologia: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Tree-Ring Science

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    Monitoring of carbon-water fluxes at Eurasian meteorological stations using random forest and remote sensing
    Xie M, Ma X, Wang Y, Li C, Shi H, Yuan X, Hellwich O, Chen C, Zhang W, Zhang C, Ling Q, Gao R, Zhang Y, Ochege FU, Frankl A, De Maeyer P, Buchmann N, Feigenwinter I, Olesen JE, Juszczak R, Jacotot A, Korrensalo A, Pitacco A, Varlagin A, Shekhar A, Lohila A, Carrara A, Brut A, Kruijt B, Loubet B, Heinesch B, Chojnicki B, Helfter C, Vincke C, Shao C, Bernhofer C, Brümmer C, Wille C, Tuittila ES, Nemitz E, Meggio F, Dong G, Lanigan G, Niedrist G, Wohlfahrt G, Zhou G, Goded I, Gruenwald T, Olejnik J, Jansen J, Neirynck J, Tuovinen JP, Zhang J, Klumpp K, Pilegaard K, Šigut L, Klemedtsson L, Tezza L, Hörtnagl L, Urbaniak M, Roland M, Schmidt M, Sutton MA, Hehn M, Saunders M, Mauder M, Aurela M, Korkiakoski M, Du M, Vendrame N, Kowalska N, Leahy PG, Alekseychik P, Shi P, Weslien P, Chen S, Fares S, Friborg T, Tallec T, Kato T, Sachs T, Maximov T, di Cella UM, Moderow U, Li Y, He Y, Kosugi Y, Luo G (20...

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    Assessment of stream macroinvertebrates community during the glacial melt season: Evidence from long-term monitoring of the glacier-fed Saldur stream
    Vallefuoco F, Vanek M, Scotti A, Tappeiner U, Bottarin R (2023)

    Conference: XXVII Congresso AIOL Napoli | Napoli | 26.6.2023 - 30.6.2023

    Between bio- and atmosphere: microclimate measurements in an alpine steppe
    Niedrist G (2023)

    Conference: STUMETA | Innsbruck | 18.5.2023 - 18.5.2023

    Climate-growth relations along an elevation gradient in the Italian Alps: additional insights from dendrometer data
    Obojes N, Tasser E, Oberhuber W, Mayr S, Tappeiner U (2023)

    Conference: TRACE 2023 | Coimbra | 8.5.2023 - 13.5.2023

    Long-term, fine-scale biomonitoring of stream benthic macroinvertebrates in an Italian glacier-fed stream
    Vanek M, Scotti A, Bottarin R (2023)

    Conference: SEFS Symposium for european freshwater sciences 2023 | Newcastle Upon Tyne | 18.6.2023 - 23.6.2023

    Individui che abitano il fiume
    Bottarin R (2023)
    Articolo su rivista

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    Phenological responses of Alpine snowbed communities to advancing snowmelt
    Crepaz H, Quaglia E, Lombardi G, Lonati M, Rossi M, Dullinger S, Tappeiner U, Niedrist G (2023)

    Conference: EGU23 General Assembly | Vienna | 23.4.2023 - 28.4.2023

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    Phenological responses of snowbed-communities to advancing snowmelt
    Crepaz H, Quaglia E, Lombardi G, Lonati M, Tappeiner U, Dullinger S, Niedrist G (2022)

    Conference: IMC Innsbruck 2022 | Innsbruck | 11.9.2022 - 15.9.2022

    Alpine soil macro-invertebrate communities along high elevation gradients
    Steinwandter M,Seeber J (2022)

    Conference: World Biodiversity Forum 2022 | Davos | 26.6.2022 - 1.7.2022

    Climate change challenges in South Tyrol
    Niedrist G (2022)

    Conference: Interregional Training Course on Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Soil and Water Management in High Mountainous Regions (GLOMOS/UNU) | Bolzano | 9.6.2022 - 9.6.2022

    Extreme. Ursachen. Vermeiden. Perspektiven für eine Südtiroler Landwirtschaft im Klimawandel
    Niedrist G (2022)

    Conference: Jahrestagung Bioland Südtirol 2022 | Lichtenstern, Bolzano | 28.1.2022 - 28.1.2022

    Presentation of the LTSER Site IT25 Matsch | Mazia (ITA)
    Fontana V (2022)

    Conference: LTSER Workshop online | Online | 6.9.2022 - 6.9.2022

    Interactive effects of high temperatures and drought on grapevine physiology during a simulated heat wave
    Asensio D, Shtai W, Kadison A, Schwarz M, Hoellrigl J, Steiner M, Raifer B, Andreotti C, Hammerle A, Zanotelli D, Haas F, Niedrist G, Wohlfahrt G, Tagliavini M (2022)

    Conference: EGU General Assembly 2022 | Vienna | 22.5.2022 - 27.5.2022

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    Global maps of soil temperature
    Lembrechts JJ, van den Hoogen J, […], Della Chiesa S, Niedrist G, Seeber J, Steinwandter M, […] (2022)
    Articolo su rivista
    Global Change Biology

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    Distribution of soil macrofauna across different habitats in the Eastern European Alps
    Seeber J, Steinwandter M, Tasser E, Guariento E, Peham T, Rüdisser J, Schlick-Steiner BC, Steiner FM, Tappeiner U, Meyer E (2022)
    Articolo su rivista
    Scientific Data

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    Long-term monitoring of high-elevation terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in the Alps: a five-year synthesis
    Körner C, Berninger UG, Daim A, Eberl R, Fernández Mendoza F, Füreder L, Grube M, Hainzer E, Kaiser R, Meyer E, Newesely C, Niedrist G, Niedrist GH, Petermann JS, Seeber J, Tappeiner U, Wickham S (2022)
    Articolo su rivista
    ecomont - Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    The 2018 European heatwave led to stem dehydration but not to consistent growth reductions in forests
    Salomón RL, Peters RL, Zweifel R, Sass-Klaassen UGW, Stegehuis AI, Smiljanic M, Poyatos R, Babst F, Cienciala E, Fonti P, Lerink BJW, Lindner M, Martinez-Vilalta J, Mencuccini M, Nabuurs G-J, van der Maaten E, von Arx G, Bär A, Akhmetzyanov L, Balanzategui D, Bellan M, Bendix J, Berveiller D, Blaženec M, Čada V, Carraro V, Cecchini S, Chan T, Conedera M, Delpierre N, Delzon S, Ditmarová Ľ, Dolezal J, Dufrêne E, Edvardsson J, Ehekircher S, Forner A, Frouz J, Ganthaler A, Gryc V, Güney A, Heinrich I, Hentschel R, Janda P, Ježík M, Kahle H-P, Knüsel S, Krejza J, Kuberski Ł, Kučera J, Lebourgeois F, Mikoláš M, Matula R, Mayr S, Oberhuber W, Obojes N, Osborne B, Paljakka T, Plichta R, Rabbel I, Rathgeber CBK, Salmon Y, Saunders M, Scharnweber T, Sitková Z, Stangler DF, Stereńczak K, Stojanović M, Střelcová K, Světlík J, Svoboda M, Tobin B, Trotsiuk V, Urban J, Valladares F, Vavrčík H, Vejpustková M, Walthe...

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    Swiss stone pine growth benefits less from recent warming than European larch at a dry-inner alpine forest line as it reacts more sensitive to humidity
    Obojes N, Meurer A, Newesely C, Tasser E, Oberhuber W, Mayr S, Tappeiner U (2022)
    Articolo su rivista
    Agricultural and Forest Meteorology

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    Strumenti informatici di gestione e distribuzione di dati climatici e immagini nel sito Val di Mazia / Matschertal
    Zandonai A (2022)

    Conference: XIV Assemblea annuale della Rete LTER-Italia | Val di Mazia | 17.11.2022 - 17.11.2022

    Integrating dendrometers and tree rings to explain climate-growth relations along an elevation transect in the Central Italian Alps
    Obojes N, Tasser E, Oberhuber W, Mayr S, Tappeiner U (2022)

    Conference: AmeriDendro2022 | Montreal | 27.6.2023 - 30.6.2023

    Growth resilience of five conifer species to climatic extremes and herbaceous insects along an elevation gradient
    Obojes N, Buscarini S, Meurer A, Tasser E, Oberhuber W, Mayr S, Giammarchi F, Tappeiner U (2022)

    Conference: Forest Disturbances and Ecosystem Dynamics in a Changing World | Berchtesgaden | 19.9.2022 - 22.9.2022

    Growth resilience of five conifer species to climatic extremes along an elevation gradient
    Obojes N, Buscarini S, Meurer A, Tasser E, Oberhuber W, Mayr S, Giammarchi F, Tappeiner U (2022)

    Conference: TRACE 2022 | Erlangen | 23.5.2023 - 28.5.2023

    International education and research during the pandemic: 31st European Dendroecological Fieldweek 2021 in Val Mustair, Switzerland
    Treydte K, Martínez-Sancho E, Dorado-Liñán I, Kaczka RJ , Feichtinger L, Verstege A, Obojes N, Piermattei A, Crivellaro A (2022)

    Conference: TRACE 2022 | Erlangen | 23.5.2023 - 28.5.2023

    Long- and short-term climatic controls of tree growth at the forest line
    Obojes N, Meurer A, Tasser E, Oberhuber W, Mayr S, Tappeiner U (2022)

    Conference: International Mountain Conference IMC#22 | Innsbruck | 11.9.2022 - 15.9.2022

    Dendroecology at the LTSER Matsch/Mazia
    Obojes N (2021)

    Conference: 31 st European Dendroecological Fieldweek | Santa Maria, Müstair | 28.8.2021 - 5.9.2021

    Micrometeorological monitoring in the Alpine Long Term Socio-Ecological Research Site IT25:Val Mazia/ Matschertal–Italy
    Niedrist G, Bertoldi G, Zandonai A, Della Chiesa S, Klotz J, Obojes N, Fontana V, Bottarin R, Tappeiner U (2021)

    Conference: 2nd TEAMxWorkshop | Online | 10.5.2021 - 12.5.2021

    Data Browser Matsch | Mazia: Web Application to access microclimatic time series of an ecological research site
    Palma M, Zandonai A, Cattani L, Klotz J, Genova G, Brida C, Andreatta N, Niedrist G, Della Chiesa S (2021)
    Articolo su rivista
    Research Ideas and Outcomes

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    La rete italiana per la ricerca ecologica di lungo termine - Lo studio della biodiversità e dei cambiamenti : IT25 Val di Mazia / Matschertal
    Fontana V, Niedrist G, Bottarin R, Comiti F, Bertoldi G, Della Chiesa S, Klotz J, Obojes N, Scotti A, Seeber J, Steinwandter M, Tasser E, Zandonai A, Engel M, Wohlfahrt G, Tappeiner U (2021)
    CNR Edizioni

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    Agent-based modelling of water balance in a social-ecological system: A multidisciplinary approach for mountain catchments
    Huber L, Rüdisser J, Meisch C, Stotten R, Leitinger G, Tappeiner U (2021)
    Articolo su rivista
    Science of the Total Environment

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