EU H2020 EEnvest - Riduzione del rischio per gli investimenti in efficienza energetica degli edifici
- Project duration: -
- Project status: finished
- Funding: Societal Challenge (Horizon 2020 /EU funding /Project)
- Total project budget: 1.357.064,00 €
- Website:
- Institute: Istituto per le energie rinnovabili
EEnvest is a H2020 collaborative research project focused on mainstreaming energy efficiency financing in the building renovation sector.
The aim of EEnvest is the creation of a tool (a web-based search and match platform) which investors can use to evaluate the risk of investment in energy efficiency for buildings. The web-based search platform will match the demand and offer of buildings to be retrofitted with funding available from external financiers.
The EEnvest platform will provide reliable information on the risk associated with energy renovation measures, combining proprietary risk evaluation models with the specific features of the property evaluated. The platform will use a blockchain-based data exchange validation system in order to guarantee the security and quality of the information. In this way, EEnvest will connect technical and financial communities, such as building owners, designers and potential transaction financers, as well as private investors.
To carry out the risk evaluation, the EEnvest platform will use a framework developed within the project that will combine technical-financial due-diligence mechanisms, resulting in a set of possible renovation actions presented in an organized and user-friendly way.
Pozza C (2022)
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il progetto EENVEST
Salvalai G, Paoletti G, Sesana MM, Andaloro A (2022)
Contributo in atti di convegno
Conference: Colloqui Ar.Tec. 2020 | Catania | 17.6.2020 - 20.6.2020
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Pozza C (2022)
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Andaloro A, Salvalai G, Fregonese G, Tso L, Paoletti G (2022)
Articolo su rivista
Ulteriori informazioni:
Loureiro T, Pozza C, Mexis FD, Olivero S, de Csiky C, Bogi A (2021)
Contributo in atti di convegno
Conference: Sustainable Places 2021 | Rome | 28.9.2021 - 1.10.2021
Ulteriori informazioni:
Andaloro A, Salvalai G, Fregonese G, Tso L, Paoletti G (2021)
Articolo su rivista
Environmental Sciences Proceedings
Ulteriori informazioni:
Andaloro A, Salvalai G, Fregonese G, Tso L, Paoletti G (2021)
Contributo in atti di convegno
Conference: Sustainable Places 2021 | Rome | 28.9.2021 - 1.10.2021
Ulteriori informazioni: