Eurach Research


EU H2020 EnerMaps - Strumenti open source per condividere, confrontare e riutilizzare i dati sull'energia a basse emissioni di carbonio


    EnerMaps aims to improve data availability, data quality, and data management for industry (in particular renewable technology industry), energy planners, energy utilities, energy managers, energy consultants, public administration officers specialised in the energy sector and policy decision makers as well as social innovation experts and data providers, applying FAIR principles. The project collaborates actively with European-wide data management initiatives such as the European Open Science Cloud Initiative and integrates actively its future users into the development of the different tools to insure their usefulness.

    Questo contenuto è ospitato da una terza parte. Mostrando il contenuto esterno si accettano termini e condizioni.
    Assessment of the thermal energy flexibility of residential buildings with heat pumps under various electric tariff designs
    Wilczynski EJ, Chambers J, Patel MK, Worrell E, Pezzutto S (2023)
    Elsevier BV
    Articolo su rivista
    Energy and Buildings

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    Engaging Stakeholders for Designing a FAIR Energy Data Management Tool: The Horizon 2020 EnerMaps Project
    Balest J, Pezzutto S, Giacovelli G, Wilczynski E (2022)
    Articolo su rivista

    Ulteriori informazioni:

    EnerMaps Project: A New Open Energy Data Tool to Accelerate the Energy Transition
    Rager J, von Gunten D, Wilczynski, Pezzutto S, Balest J, Fallahnejad M, Contant C (2021)
    Articolo su rivista
    Euroheat & power

    Ulteriori informazioni: ...

    Enabling more Open Science in the energy sector
    Rager J, Wilczynski E, Bardi A, Conforto G, Peronato G, Pezzutto S (2021)

    Ulteriori informazioni: ...

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    2021EnerMaps open data tool

    The EnerMaps Open Data Management Tool aims to improve data management and accessibility in the field of energy research ...

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    • e-think - Energy Research

    • Idiap Research Institute

    • Centre de recherche énergétiques et municipales CREM

    • OpenAIRE



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