Eurach Research


EU INNOEnergie–Konzepte für die Digitale Datenverarbeitung zur Steigerung der Energieeffizienz in der Landwirtschaft

    • Project duration: -
    • Project status: finished
    • Funding:
      Other EU Funding (EU funding / Project)
    • Total project budget: 321.100,00 €
    • Institute: Istituto per le energie rinnovabili

    The "INNOEnergie - Concepts for digital data processing to increase energy efficiency in agriculture project aims to increase energy efficiency in agriculture of South Tyrol. Today, informations on renewable energies, improved technologies and economic efficiency in the energy sector for small farms are not yet available in a bundled form. The project will, first of all, summarize those informations. Afterwards, measures and information material to increase energy efficiency on farms will be developed, to create the basis for a digital advisory tool that can be used by South Tyrolean farmers in a personalised manner. This automated consultancy tool should result in specific recommendations for each farm, which will have a positive effect on its economic efficiency through increased energy efficiency.

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    Troi A (2022)
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    Südtiroler Landwirt
    Steinwände gegen Wärmeverlust?
    Troi A (2022)
    Articolo su rivista
    Südtiroler Landwirt
    Credits: undefined


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