Eurach Research


EU Life PLENTYLIFE - Pianificazione intersettoriale istituzionalizzata e sviluppo di capacità dedicate per consentire ai comuni di piccole e medie dimensioni di sviluppare e monitorare strategie sostenibili per la transizione verso l'energia pulita.

    The need to tackle climate change and achieve the desired carbon neutrality to keep pace with the 1.5 degrees is more urgent than ever. The climate deal at COP26 calls on all nations to set new ambitious climate targets -in preparing their NDCs- and further urges them to integrate mitigation and adaptation measures into national, regional and local planning. Cities and urban areas are vital for achieving climate protection and
    energy transition targets, being currently responsible for around 70% of energy-related CO2 emissions. With increased global urbanisation -where particularly in Europe around 85% of population is projected to be living in cities by 2050, cities of different size are desicive to reach the COP26 goals. Given the long-term persistence of urban structures, we have to act now. 

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