Eurach Research


EU HEU SPIRIT - Implementazione di tecnologie a pompa di calore per l'industria

    • Project duration: -
    • Project status: ongoing
    • Funding:
      Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness (Horizon Europe / EU funding / Project)
    • Institute: Istituto per le energie rinnovabili

    SPIRIT will demonstrate three full-scale (> 700 kWth) industrial heat pump systems that upgrade industrial waste heat to valuable temperatures (135-160°C). The demonstration covers sites in the paper & pulp and food & beverage industry, covering 63% of the potential high-temperature heat upgrade market. SPIRIT achieves technology scaling by designing modular heat pumps with standard components covering a large portion of the industrial heat upgrade market. New business models and contractual agreements for upgrading heat technology are developed considering single and multistakeholder environments, mainly through considering heat as a service.

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