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“Quella è anche casa mia”



“Quella è anche casa mia”

Intervista a Tobias Stampfer, venuto al mondo come bambina

“I figli delle famiglie arcobaleno non sono abbastanza tutelati dal punto di vista giuridico”



“I figli delle famiglie arcobaleno non sono abbastanza tutelati dal punto di vista ...

Intervista all’avvocato Alexander Schuster

“L’obiettivo di Pechino è trasformare i giovani tibetani in cinesi”



“L’obiettivo di Pechino è trasformare i giovani tibetani in cinesi”

Intervista con Penpa Tsering, presidente del governo tibetano in esilio

Empowering survivors: The urgent need to eliminate sexual violence in conflict zonesScience Blog
Science Blog

Empowering survivors: The urgent need to eliminate sexual violence in conflict zones

Recognition: Raising Indigenous and minority voices



Recognition: Raising Indigenous and minority voices

On the frontlines of climate change, Indigenous peoples are often confronted with the degradation of their environments and thereby their livelihoods. In addition to these ...

"Abbiamo un debito”



"Abbiamo un debito”

Incontri tra discipline: intervista al giurista Marc Röggla e all'esperto di Asia Günther Cologna.

"La democrazia è rischiosa"



"La democrazia è rischiosa"

Incontri tra discipline: intervista alla limnologa Roberta Bottarin e al costituzionalista Francesco Palermo.

“Ci vuole il tempo che ci vuole”



“Ci vuole il tempo che ci vuole”

Perché gli accordi di pace “paracadutati” non resistono nel tempo


Conferenza online: Homo Digitalis


Il Center for Advanced Studies affronta il tema della società digitale da una prospettiva critica assieme ad esperte ed esperti di comunicazione, tecnologia, economia e diritto. La relazione conclusiva sarà tenuta da Shoshana Zuboff, economista americana e professoressa emerita alla Harvard Business School.

Gerechte Verteilung in einer strukturell ungerechten WeltScience Blog
Science Blog

Gerechte Verteilung in einer strukturell ungerechten Welt

Michaela FischerMichaela Fischer
Più integrati grazie al volontariato?



Più integrati grazie al volontariato?

Uno studio racconta il volontariato giovanile in Alto Adige e in altre regioni europee


Favorire l’integrazione nelle società sempre più diversificate

Eurac Research ha coordinato il rapporto OSCE ora online

© Courtesy of MiloladesignScience Blog
Science Blog

The 16th of all EU-r rights: the right to conduct a business and how the Charter ...

Gabriel ToggenburgGabriel Toggenburg
Shen Xiaomeng



Resetting Mindsets

Shen Xiaomeng on mountains, migration and moving towards a revised way of living

Courtesy of MiloladesignScience Blog
Science Blog

The 15th of all EU-r rights: the right to work and how the Charter contributes

Gabriel ToggenburgGabriel Toggenburg
EU barbwire logoScience Blog
Science Blog

Lesbo Island: the EU’s and western legal tradition’s failure

Nicolò AlessiNicolò Alessi
Unicorn pattern background Science Blog
Science Blog

The 14th of all EU-r rights: education and how the Charter contributes

Gabriel ToggenburgGabriel Toggenburg
kids walking on a street - daytimeScience Blog
Science Blog

The New Pact on Migration and Asylum: Hardly Original Proposals

Elsa Fernando GonzaloElsa Fernando Gonzalo
A peaceful protester wearing a flagScience Blog
Science Blog

Per aspera ad astra: The peaceful fight for freedom and democracy in Belarus

Irina IokhnoIrina Iokhno
The 10th of all EU-r rights: the freedom of conscience, thought, religion and how the Charter contributesScience Blog
Science Blog

The 10th of all EU-r rights: the freedom of conscience, thought, religion and how the ...

Gabriel ToggenburgGabriel Toggenburg
The 9th of all EU-r Rights: marriage, founding a family and how the Charter contributesScience Blog
Science Blog

The 9th of all EU-r Rights: marriage, founding a family and how the Charter ...

Gabriel ToggenburgGabriel Toggenburg
The 7th of all EU-r rights: Private life and how the Charter contributesScience Blog
Science Blog

The 7th of all EU-r rights: Private life and how the Charter contributes

Gabriel ToggenburgGabriel Toggenburg
The Administrative state and the right to respect one’s private and family life in North MacedoniaScience Blog
Science Blog

The Administrative state and the right to respect one's private and family life in ...

Natalija ShikovaNatalija Shikova
The 4th of all EU-r rights: human treatment and how the Charter contributesScience Blog
Science Blog

The 4th of all EU-r rights: human treatment and how the Charter contributes

Gabriel ToggenburgGabriel Toggenburg
The Charter of Fundamental Rights: ‘All EU-r rights’ in 54 provisionsScience Blog
Science Blog

The Charter of Fundamental Rights: ‘All EU-r rights’ in 54 provisions

Gabriel ToggenburgGabriel Toggenburg
New Technology, Algorithms and the Rising of Private (Digital) Powers and new Challenges for Constitutional LawScience Blog
Science Blog

New Technology, Algorithms and the Rising of Private (Digital) Powers and new ...

Oreste PollicinoOreste Pollicino
[DT] Entwicklung der Geschlechtergleichstellung in der EU: ein RückblickScience Blog
Science Blog

[DT] Entwicklung der Geschlechtergleichstellung in der EU: ein Rückblick

Cecilia Vera LagomarsinoCecilia Vera Lagomarsino
Political Participation as a Fundamental Right: Persons with Disabilities in Germany and the EU ElectionsScience Blog
Science Blog

Political Participation as a Fundamental Right: Persons with Disabilities in Germany ...

Katharina CrepazKatharina Crepaz
Outdated or timely? The role of fundamental rights in the EUScience Blog
Science Blog

Outdated or timely? The role of fundamental rights in the EU

Francesco PalermoFrancesco Palermo