Eurach Research


European Tourism Sustainability Monitoring


    Project description

    The European Sustainability Monitoring 2030 (ETSM2030) is a project funded by the European Union (EU) to foster sustainability certification and sustainability knowledge within SMTEs (Small and Medium Tourism Enterprises) as well as bring together sustainable working SMTEs in a network, where exchange is encouraged.

    ETSM2030 aims at establishing a network of tourism SMEs (SMTEs) to increase sustainability monitoring by co-creating and co-implementing Sustainable Innovations Projects (SIP) and by boosting participation in relevant sustainable certification schemes, in particular the EU Ecolabel and EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme).


    The ETSM2030 project team sets criteria for the selection of 84 SMTEs, then the selection of the SMTEs will be made via an open call in six EU countries (Austria, Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania and Slovenia). After selecting the SMTEs which will participate in the program, the SMTEs will be boosted in their sustainability performance.

    First, the status quo of the SMTEs’ sustainability awareness, practices and monitoring is assessed. In the second step the ETSM2030 will improve the knowledge level about sustainability monitoring and actions by developing a sustainability monitoring tool which is suitable for the SMTEs and can easily be integrated in their daily routines. Through this monitoring and indicator system and by using digital tools, the sustainability practices among the participating European SMTEs can be benchmarked.

    In the following step the participating SMTEs receive specific trainings and coaching about sustainability, how to monitor it and to take advantage of a collaborative learning platform. Also, the SMTEs reveal potential for Sustainability Innovation Projects (SIPs).

    Due to this learning effects and cross-border exchange of the SMTEs they are encouraged to apply for established sustainability certification schemes (EU-standards) and be part of the SESTINE network (Sustainability European SMTE Innovation Network of Excellence).


    SMP-COSME-2021-TOURSME (COVID-19 Recovery Through Sustainable Tourism Growth and SME Support)


    The ETSM 2030 project is carried out by the following partners:

    • University of Innsbruck, Department of Strategic Management, Marketing and Tourism – Lead Partner (Austria)
    • Eurac Research - Center for Advanced Studies (Italy)
    • Poznań University of Economics and Business (PUEB) (Poland)
    • RoMontana, National Association for Rural and Mountain Development (Romania)
    • IMC University of applied Sciences Krems (Austria)- Tourcert GmbH (Germany)
    • Centre of Business Excellence (CBE) (Slovenia)
    • TVB Innsbruck (Austria)
    Our partners
    Project Team
    1 - 5
    Maximilian Walder

    Maximilian Walder

    Junior Researcher
    Valentin Wallnöfer

    Valentin Wallnöfer

    Junior Researcher

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