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Institut für Regionalentwicklung - Space and Society - News & Events - Individual accessibility impacts of rural public transport automation

25 Juli 24

Individual accessibility impacts of rural public transport automation

New scientific publication about the individual accessibility impacts of rural public transport automation (RAAV Project)

    Credit: Alberto Dianin | All rights reserved

    In the framework of the basic research project “RAAV: Rural Accessibility & Automated Vehicles”, the Eurac Research and TU Wien team have published a new scientific paper headed “Individual accessibility impacts of public transport automation on (groups of) rural dwellers”. The paper estimates the potential impacts of rural transport automation on the individual accessibility of rural dwellers in the study area of Mühlwald, South Tyrol. According to the results, the integration of demand-responsive services in the public transport system is expected to bring major accessibility benefits to the tested rural areas.

    Would you like to read the full paper? It is available in open access at this link.

    Questions? For any questions, please contact the project manager Alberto Dianin.

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