Eurach Research
22 July 21


A rolling Real-World Laboratory made of wood and hemp tours the Venosta Valley - Science and society work together on sustainable solutions

    • Date: 22.07-09.10.2021
    • Place: Tiny FOP MOB in Silandro, Laces, Curon, Prato allo Stelvio and Malles
    • Typology: Real-World Laboratory
    Credit: Eurac Research | Oscar Diodoro

    How can we leave an intact environment and better life chances to future generations? How can sustainable development be promoted through cooperation between science and society? The Tiny FOP MOB, the small Research and Practice Mobile, a project by the Center for Advanced Studies of Eurac Research in cooperation with the Institute for Renewable Energy, the Free University of Bolzano and the craft enterprises Habicher Holzbau GmbH and Schönthaler Bausteinwerk GmbH, turns these questions into a programme. The Real-World Lab starts its journey through the Venosta Valley in Silandro and stops in Laces, Curon Venosta, Prato allo Stelvio e Malles.

    The Tiny FOP MOB is building project, education and research initiative all in one. It aims to encourage people to think about sustainability and already provides a concrete example of it. Funded by the European Regional Development Fund (EFRE-FESR), the project involves the design, construction and use of a CO₂-negative Real-World Laboratory - a new form of cooperation between research and society.

    It aims to create space for the development of innovative ideas as well as connections between the centre and the periphery, between science, entrepreneurship and the population, between practice and theory. Interested parties are invited to work together with researchers and companies on sustainable solutions. Three events per municipality are planned for this purpose.

    Pilot municipalities throughout the Venosta Valley

    Where does our food come from? Why do we build with wood from Russian forests and how can supply chains be made sustainable? These are just some questions in the focus. The project examines what role companies play in shaping a more sustainable society and economy. Further it questions how transformation processes can be initiated within and by companies, how innovative economic processes can be set in motion and, thereby, how to build a more ecologically and social society.

    Not only an opening event for the Tiny FOP MOB per municipality, but also a business talk and an open evening with workshops are planned. The central aim in all pilot municipalities - which include Silandro, Laces, Curon Venosta, Prato allo Stelvio e Malles - is to initiate transformation processes for more sustainable living and working.

    Project closing event | 17 June 2022

    Over 1,150 visitors in five pilot communities of the Vinschgau Valley, around 20 organised workshops, lectures and discussion rounds and numerous other moments of encounter and exchange around the topics of sustainable development, sustainable building and living and beyond: the Tiny FOP MOB was and is definitely a point of attraction. For some time now, the Real World Laboratory made of wood and hemp has found a stand in the BASIS Vinschgau Venosta.

    The results of all Tiny FOP MOB project partners will now be presented there at a final event. A discussion round with Roland Psenner (President of Eurac Research), Rafael Alber (Mayor of Prad at Stilfserjoch), Mathias Piazzi (Piazzi carpentry) and Madeleine Rohrer (Dachverband für Natur- und Umweltschutz) will also provide interesting insights.

    All interested parties are invited to learn more about the rolling reallaboratory, the results and experiences of its tour through the Vinschgau Valley on Friday, 17 June 2022 from 6 to 8 p.m. and to conclude the project with an aperitif.

    Participation is free of charge.
    Registration is requested at the following e-mail address:

    All Events and topics

    Silandro | Schlanders - 22.07. - 2.08.2021

    The Tiny FOP MOB is located at the Piazza Cassa di Risparmio in Silandro. In case of bad weather, the events will take place in the Culture Centre Karl Schönherr.

    The Tiny FOP MOB: A Rolling Real-World Lab for a Sustainable Future
    22 July 2021 | 5.30 pm
    BASIS Vinschgau Venosta and Tiny FOP MOB

    Business talk
    Focus on wood and hemp: How dependent are we on global supply chains?
    27 July 2021 | 5.30 pm

    Public event
    An unequal game: Where do our raw materials come from?
    30 July 2021
    4 pm: Chocolate trunk for children
    6 pm: Open evening for all interested parties

    Laces | Latsch - 23.08. – 1.09.2021

    The Tiny FOP MOB is located at the Sports ground car park in Laces. In case of bad weather, the events will take place in the Youth Centre.

    Climate change and architecture: What role does planning play?
    24 August 2021 | 5.30 pm

    Public event
    Healthy living: What does housing have to do with my health?
    27 August 2021 | 5.30 pm

    Business talk
    Holistic planning: How can economic, ecological and social sustainability be combined?
    31 August 2021 | 5.30 pm

    Curon Venosta | Graun - 2.09. - 15.09.2021

    The Tiny FOP MOB is located at the Piazza Municipio in Curon. In case of bad weather, the events will take place in the Community Hall.

    Changing society: How we live matters
    2 September 2021 | 5 pm

    Business talk
    Between day-to-day business and visions of the future: How is digitalisation changing the skilled crafts sector?
    7 September 2021 | 5 pm

    Public event
    The future of our villages: How will we live tomorrow?
    10 September 2021 | 5 pm

    Prato allo Stelvio | Prad am Stilfserjoch - 16.09. – 29.09.2021

    The Tiny FOP MOB is located at the Hauptplatz. In case of bad weather, the events will take place in the Raiffeisen Hall.

    Housing as a social project: Perspectives for rural areas
    16 September 2021 | 5 pm

    Business talk
    Use, repurposing, modernisation: In which direction is the housing market developing?
    21 September 2021 | 5 pm

    Public event
    Sustainable spaces: How do we want to live and work?
    24 September 2021 | 4 pm

    Regionality Day
    Cultural walks starting from the Tiny FOP MOB
    25 September 2021 | 3 pm
    All info will follow shortly!

    Malles | Mals - 30.09. - 13.10.2021

    The Tiny FOP MOB is located at the Piazza Peter Glückh. In case of bad weather, the events will take place in the Culture Center.

    Less is more: Ways out of the consumption society
    30 September 2021 | 4.30 pm

    Business talk
    Upcycling and recycling: What solutions are there?
    5 October 2021 | 5 pm

    Walking event
    Successful projects: How do tradition and modernity complement each other?
    9 October 2021 | 2 pm


    Registration is requested at the following e-mail address:

    Participation with Green Pass.

    Tiny FOP MOB Project Poster

    Eurac Research
    Center for Advanced Studies
    Drususallee 1 / Viale Druso 1
    39100 Bozen / Bolzano
    T +39 0471 055 801

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