Center for Advanced Studies - News & Events - Dolomites UNESCO Forum III
Dolomites UNESCO Forum III
Dolomites UNESCO +10: Responsibility, Identity, Credibility
- Date: 30.09.2019, 11.00 - 17.00
- Place: Sextner Dolomiten Congress Center Sesto
- Typology: Dolomites UNESCO Forum
The Dolomites have been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2009 for their scenic beauty and the unique geological formations. Ten years after this recognition, the opportunity emerges to review the steps already taken in the world heritage development, to undertake actions to raise awareness of future challenges and develop coherent solutions.
All this requires leadership, passion and a long-term vision in the future. It is necessary for tourism stakeholders, but also for the resident population in the Dolomite areas, to take responsibility and to actively engage in the world heritage development to encourage sustainable development. For this reason, the roots of World Heritage should serve as inspiration, especially the values of UNESCO recognition, that is beauty and geology. How can these values turn into valorisation without damaging the protected areas? How can the sense of awareness, pride and responsibility of living in a World Heritage Site grow and develop deeper roots in the region?
The horizon of development after ten years from the UNESCO recognition requires a critical and careful, deep and far-sighted look. A deep look because the World Heritage Site should not only attract attention for the guests, but also represent a value in the identities of the local populations. A far-sighted look, because the creation of a sense of responsibility and commitment can guarantee the credibility and long-term integrity of the area.
The event aims to help answer the following question: What does the UNESCO Dolomites World Heritage stand for? Such a question concerns the way of experiencing the Dolomites from the point of view of a stable inhabitant, the aspects of life in the Dolomites he loves (and those he would like to avoid). Furthermore, it should be assessed the extent to which contemporary tourism development is desirable, and how it should eventually be designed in the future. Possible approaches to the future design of the dolomitic area within the framework of responsibility and credibility will be illustrated also addressing to good practices of other UNESCO heritage areas.
11.00 - 11.45 | Opening
Harald Pechlaner, Head of Center for Advanced Studies, Eurac Research
Waltraud Watschinger, President of the Tourism Board of Sexten - Sesto
Christoph Rainer, President of the Association Sextenkultur
Marcella Morandini, Director of the Dolomites UNESCO Foundation
Maria Carmela Giarratano, Director General at the Italian Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea Protection
11.45 - 12.15 | Takamitsu Jimura
The Relationship between World Heritage Site Inscription and its Effects on Local Identities, Responsibilities & Attitudes towards the Heritage
12.15 - 12.45 | Kelly S. Bricker
Human Dimensions of Recreational Use in Yellowstone National Park
12.45 - 13.15 | Round table
Mario Tonina, Provincial Councillor for the Autonomous Province of Trento
Maria Hochgruber Kuenzer, Provincial Councillor for the Autonomous Province of Bozen-Bolzano
Paolo Gianolla, Professor at the University of Ferrara and scientific advisor at the Dolomiten UNESCO Foundation
Cesare Micheletti, Architect and scientific advisor at the Dolomiten UNESCO Foundation
13.15 - 14.00 | Light lunch break
14.00 - 14.20 | Harald Pechlaner & Anna Scuttari
Responsibility, Identity, Credibility
14.20 - 14.50 | Roberto Cerrato
Paesaggi Vitivinicoli di Langhe-Roero e Monferrato – UNESCO WHS (IT)
14.50 - 15.20 | Sascha Klöpper
Common Wadden Sea - UNESCO WHS (DE)
15.20 - 17.00 | World Cafè
Languages: German, Italian, English (simultaneous translation)
Please confirm your participation until September, 15th 2019 under the following address:
Eurac Research
Center for Advanced Studies
Drususallee 1 / Viale Druso 1
39100 Bozen / Bolzano
T +39 0471 055 801
Tourismusverein Sexten
Associazione Turistica Sesto
Dolomitenstraße 45 / Via Dolomiti 45
39030 Sexten / Sesto
T +39 0474 710 310