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Center for Advanced Studies - News & Events - From destination to living space - participation as the royal road?


From destination to living space - participation as the royal road?

Including a lecture by Jörg Sommer, Berlin Institut für Partizipation

    • Date: 03.10.2022, 17.30 - 20.30
    • Place: Haus Sexten, Sexten | Sesto
    • Typology: GMS Forum: public event

    Sextner Kamingespräche in Sexten | Sesto

    Land development cannot happen without the participation of citizens and the consideration of the ideas and needs of those who live and work in the region. Especially in tourism it has been shown that the population’s acceptance is of central importance. But how does real participation work? How can we succeed in sensitizing and involving people and jointly drive forward a sustainable transformation in tourism, but also in other sectors? The current crisis situations call for quick reactions and actions. But in order to develop participatory processes, time is needed. A solvable contradiction? These are the questions addressed by this year’s “Sextner Kamingespräche”, which will take place in cooperation with Eurac Research as part of the scientific conference “Global Mountain Sustainability Forum".


    17:30 | Get-together / Aperitif

    18:30 | Welcome address
    Christoph Rainer, Sexten Kultur

    18:30 | Introduction of the topic
    Harald Pechlaner, Center for Advanced Studies, Eurac Research

    19:00 | Impulse lecture
    Participation: suitable methods to shape the living space
    Jörg Sommer, Berlin Institut für Partizipation

    19:30 | Panel discussion with
    Petra Wolffhardt, Product and service developer, Raum|Schmiede Lienz
    Jörg Sommer, Berlin Institut für Partizipation
    Josef Margreiter, Lebensraum Tirol Holding
    Thomas Bausch, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
    Tanja Rainer, Südtiroler Jugendring

    Moderation: Harald Pechlaner

    20:30 | Light Dinner

    Languages: German, Italian, English (Simultaneous translation)


    Space is limited, registration is required. Please confirm your participation by 26.09.2022 at the following e-mail address:
    Registrations will be considered and confirmed chronologically. We ask for your understanding.


    Eurac Research is an innovative centre for research and training based in South Tyrol, Italy. Eurac Research was founded in 1992 as an association under private law with just twelve members of staff undertaking research in the areas of Language and Law, Minorities and Autonomous Regions as well as the Alpine Environment. The centre gradually expanded its activities into new areas, attracted scientists from all over the world and introduced new structures. Today, it its composed of 11 research institutes and four centers, such as GLOMOS and the Center for Advanced Studies.

    The Center for Advanced Studies is part of Eurac Research and regards itself as a platform for scientific exchange and interconnectedness and devotes itself to future-relevant issues as well as the observation, description and analysis of economic and societal processes of change.

    GLOMOS is a collaborative programme and research alliance between Eurac Research and the Institute for Environment and Human Security of the United Nations University based in Bonn, Germany.

    The Tourist Office Sexten – Sesto works with great passion and professionalism for the mountain destination Sesto, 3 Zinnen Dolomites. The dynamic team creates quality products and events that clearly reflect the distinctive character of the alpine village. Top-class scientific congresses and workshops have been organized here for many years, such as the annual international meetings of the Sexten Center for Astrophysics.

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