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Center for Advanced Studies - News & Events - How to build a better and greener world economy after the pandemic

04 December 20

How to build a better and greener world economy after the pandemic

At the Global Mountain Sustainability Forum Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz underlined the need for stronger global cooperation and global solidarity. We have summarised his key messages in a short video.

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    Joseph Stiglitz - How to build a better and greener world economy after the pandemic.

    Joseph Stiglitz underlined the need for stronger global cooperation and global solidarity, as science has already shown while joining forces to research suitable treatments against the virus. Multilateral institutions are a key to global cooperation. The pandemic has radically exposed the weaknesses of our society and economy, such as the short-sightedness of markets and supply chains, which have proved anything but resilient. A new start can therefore only work if it is a new start into a greener, more sustainable and more equal society.

    Find out more about the Global Mountain Sustainability Forum and visit our website:

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