Center for Advanced Studies - News & Events - Manfred Steger joins the Center for Advanced Studies as Distinguished Global Fellow
Manfred Steger joins the Center for Advanced Studies as Distinguished Global Fellow
We are honored and excited to welcome Manfred B. Steger, Professor of Global and Transnational Sociology at the University of Hawaii-Mānoa as Distinguished Global Fellow 2021 at the Center for Advanced Studies.
Ever since the Center for Advanced Studies of Eurac Research was founded in October 2017, globalization with all its facets has been the focal point in almost every research activity. Particular attention has been put on “glocalization”, i.e. the connection of global developments with local needs. Now, with the fellowship of Manfred Steger, one of the most acclaimed researchers in the field of Global Studies, a milestone has been reached.
Manfred Steger’s research focuses on the global imaginary, the development and future of globalization and globalism, with particular attention to social theory and social practice. He primarily examines the central role of symbolic systems, such as ideas, beliefs, language and images, in shaping the discourse of globalization in both the academic and public spheres. Manfred also focuses on transdisciplinary analysis of timely issues. He links geographical and methodological forms of socio-political inquiry and has contributed significantly to the formation of Global Studies, a recent academic field of research concerned with the in-depth study of globalization. One of Manfred’s biggest talents is to do so in broadly accessible ways, using a language and style understandable and fascinating to many.
Manfred is the celebrated author of numerous books on globalization such as The Rise of the Global Imaginary: Political Ideologies from the French Revolution to the Global War on Terror (Oxford University Press, 2008); Globalism: Facing the Populist Challenge (Rowman & Littlefield, 2020), What Is Global Studies? Theory & Practic*e (Routledge, 2017), and *Globalization Matters: Engaging the Global in Unsettled Times (Cambridge University Press, 2019). His bestseller Globalization: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press 2003) has been translated into 22 languages. Manfred is also the co-editor of the Oxford Handbook of Global Studies (Oxford University Press 2018) and in the editorial board of specialized journals such as Globalizations and Global-e.
If you want to know more about Manfred B. Steger and why he is also called a Trans-planetary Visionist read our interview in Academia Magazine.
Public Lectures
Up until December 2021, Manfred will provide his expertise to the researchers at the Center for Advanced Studies, to colleagues at Eurac and beyond and to the broader public. Since globalization affects everyone, there will be four public lectures on the past, present and future of globalization, open to all interested parties.
1st Public Lecture
Deglobalization or Reglobalization? Rethinking Theoretical Approaches
29.04.2021 | 9 – 11 am
2nd Public Lecture
Disjunctive Globalization and the Production of the Unhappy Consciousness
24.06.2021 | 9 – 11 am
3rd Public Lecture
Globalization Trends 2040: Demography, Environment, Technology
21.10.2021 | 9 – 11 am
4th Public Lecture
Globalization Trends 2040: Economy, Politics, Ideology
18.11.2021 | 9 – 11 am