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Center for Advanced Studies - News & Events - Partnership with Steinbeis SIBE intensified

19 March 20

Partnership with Steinbeis SIBE intensified

Cooperation in the fields of Leadership and Democracy

    In the picture (from left): Hubert Hofer, Werner Faix, Stephanie Kisgen and Harald Pechlaner. Also in the picture is robot Pepper.Credit: Center for Advanced Studies | All rights reserved

    The Center for Advanced Studies and SIBE, the School of International Business and Entrepreneurship at Steinbeis University in Stuttgart, can already look back on several successful collaborations. SIBE directors Werner Faix and Stephanie Kisgen recently visited South Tyrol and, among other things, the NOI Techpark.

    "After successful joint events, such as the conferences "Digital Religion" and "Digitalization, Spirituality and Democracy" in Bolzano or the international symposium "Leadership in a Digital World" in Stuttgart, the Center for Advanced Studies and SIBE would like to further intensify their cooperation," Harald Pechlaner, Head of the Center for Advanced Studies at Eurac Research, says. The conference "Digitalisation: Future of Democracy and Economy", for example, which is to take place in Bolzano on 29 October 2020, will be jointly organised.

    Another direct cooperation is the realisation of the interdisciplinary and transfer-oriented journal "Leadership, Education, Personality: An Interdisciplinary Journal", which is available in open access from Springer Verlag. The journal publishes scientific articles on topics of digital transformation, leadership and work design. It was founded at the beginning of 2019 in a cooperation between Springer Verlag and SIBE. Another common feature is the high orientation towards applied research, which characterises the research at SIBE and Eurac Research. Leadership and democracy are core topics of both institutions.

    In order to gain a more comprehensive insight into the fields of innovation and research in South Tyrol, a visit was also paid to South Tyrol's innovation quarter. Hubert Hofer, Head of the Development Department at IDM and Vice Director of the NOI Techpark, gave a guided tour of the NOI.

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